Top Five

It's the Nobelium. I absolutely love this pedal. It has totally changed the way I approach the bass. Don't get me wrong, there are pedals that I have built that I love, but my gigging board was already set up for versatility. As a bass player in a cover band, I need a lot of flexibility (and as a dude who broke his hip a couple of years ago, I appreciate a light weight board). On my board is a Cali 76 by Origin Effects (not gonna beat that one with a DIY), a Digitech Drop (because our guitarists love to play in all sort of weird tunings), an HX Stomp XL for basically everything else. I had a Dark Glass bass pre-amp that I replaced with the Nobelium, which was a game changer for my playing. I sometimes put a PolyTune on the board because it's a nice blend of accuracy without being too finicky.
As a bass hack, let me recommend trying the Nobleman as a bass distortion pedal (the HX also has a model of the ODR1). Does a killer job of adding some hair to a normally clean bass rig (without getting you evicted).

On that, any DIY recommendation on a pedal that could function as a bass crossover? Some could send the low end to my Ashdown for clean rumble, and mids/highs to a marshall for some punch?
It's odd that I can't find any thread like this. Didn't exactly know where to put it, but here was my best guess--please feel free to move it to a more appropriate location. I thought this might spark some discussion and interest in a range of boards and pedals and give direction to folks wondering what else to build. I'm genuinely curious to know what people consider to be their "top five," especially from among the older boards.

The premise:

What are your top 5 must-build pedalpcb boards? No particular order, reason, or justification necessary (unless you want), but it can't be more than 5 so people with attachment/collector issues (i.e.: me and my "they are all my equally beautiful children" complex) have to weigh carefully and can't just post their whole inventory. For example, I really want to include the Tyrian, but it just ain't going to make it. Just keeping in mind everyone's top 5 will be heavily dependent on personal taste and what music they play. They don't even have to be on the same pedalboard, just for whatever reason you think everyone should build these--could easily be 5 compressors, or whatever is important to you.

I can go first

[edit for the rationale, since folks like that]

Okko Diablo/Deofol
--Don't know why, but the clipping is just so sweet-sounding. A very versatile pedal--you really have to hunt for a bad setting, gain goes from very very light to basically fuzz.

Thorpy Heavy Water/Fallout Cloud
--The split of tone control and a heavy heavy yet articulate big muff fuzz makes this a go-to for me on guitar, baritone, or bass. Sounds awesome on its own or with a preamp/frequency pedal. Sounds massive like I like it.

Hydra Delay
--Basic to experimentalish/self-oscillating delay, the Age knob and switch/tape head combos is key for me and what makes it unique. Very very fun and original to play. My opinion and anyone who's played it.

EQD Afterneath/Deflector Reverb
--takes effects really well, has some idiosyncrasies as an instrument, but I still think it's solid and useful in a variety of contexts from straight reverb to pad-ish sounds.

Acorn ADHD/Nutty Fuzz
--a fairly simple build, pushes the envelope of how pedals can hatchet your sound in productive, yet still-useable ways. Much more interesting to work with than other "noise" and PLL pedals I have built, but still really out there!

My favorite, so much so that I bought the materials to build a second, is the Carmine overdrive. Cranked, it sounds amazing, but when it’s adding just a little grime and fizzyness, it’s magical. That pedal is a sleeper, especially with a little tremolo and reverb.

I have a Sunflower Fuzz that’s sentimental to me, because I dropped in some old Germanium’s that I found in my Dads old parts drawers, and it sounds fantastic, even if I’m not getting the volume I would prefer.

Mach 1 is a new one for me, but lived up to all the hype.

I don’t want to love the Gravitation reverb as much as I do, and I’ve taken it off my board a few times, but it always makes its way back. I use it to dial in just a little subtle reverb with a little sparkle.

The Pillion overdrive is another sleeper for me. A tube screamer with germanium clipping and the EQ from a Neve board. Initially I had the wrong Germanium and it was a big disappointment, but with a 2sb172 Matsushita transistor, it’s fantastic.
We need some of those faux "BI-AMP" pedals in the wishlist/shop...

Orange Bass Butler
EBS Billy Sheehan Ultimate Signature Drive

I'm sure there are a few others out there.

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It's the Nobelium. I absolutely love this pedal. It has totally changed the way I approach the bass. Don't get me wrong, there are pedals that I have built that I love, but my gigging board was already set up for versatility. As a bass player in a cover band, I need a lot of flexibility (and as a dude who broke his hip a couple of years ago, I appreciate a light weight board). On my board is a Cali 76 by Origin Effects (not gonna beat that one with a DIY), a Digitech Drop (because our guitarists love to play in all sort of weird tunings), an HX Stomp XL for basically everything else. I had a Dark Glass bass pre-amp that I replaced with the Nobelium, which was a game changer for my playing. I sometimes put a PolyTune on the board because it's a nice blend of accuracy without being too finicky.
Are you going into an amp or using the modeling amps from the Stomp? How and where are you using the Nobelium in the chain?
Are you going into an amp or using the modeling amps from the Stomp? How and where are you using the Nobelium in the chain?
I do use the amp modelers on the HX Stomp -- that's really one of the main reasons to use the Stomp, but I play through an amp. Usually I play through a Gallen Kruger MB210 our whatever is provided with the backline. Although most of the time I'm going direct from the board to front of house, so my bass amp is essentially a stage monitor.

I run out the Nobelium at the end of the chain so that it adds a nice warmth to everything, and depending on the sound engineer's preference, I'll run out of the DI on the Nobelium.
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My favorite, so much so that I bought the materials to build a second, is the Carmine overdrive. Cranked, it sounds amazing, but when it’s adding just a little grime and fizzyness, it’s magical. That pedal is a sleeper, especially with a little tremolo and reverb.

I have a Sunflower Fuzz that’s sentimental to me, because I dropped in some old Germanium’s that I found in my Dads old parts drawers, and it sounds fantastic, even if I’m not getting the volume I would prefer.

Mach 1 is a new one for me, but lived up to all the hype.

I don’t want to love the Gravitation reverb as much as I do, and I’ve taken it off my board a few times, but it always makes its way back. I use it to dial in just a little subtle reverb with a little sparkle.

The Pillion overdrive is another sleeper for me. A tube screamer with germanium clipping and the EQ from a Neve board. Initially I had the wrong Germanium and it was a big disappointment, but with a 2sb172 Matsushita transistor, it’s fantastic.
very intrigued by neve eq... anything related to a mixing desk is fascinating to me.

Let's see...

For the weirdo heavy metal guy that likes to use effects to make his guitar sound like it's broken, because that reflects the brokenness of himself and the world that surrounds him:

Fornicus overdrive
Desolate fuzz
Low tide
Superheterodyne reciever