Tweaking the Mistress for a BBD Clock

Big Monk

Well-known member
As I proceed through my Past FX Elastic Mattress trace, it's becoming apparent that it is mostly a tweaked Current Lover style MN3x07, CD4013/CD4049 style flanger.

In an effort to tweak a few things and consolidate some of the extra opamp stages, I'm looking into the idea of subbing in an MN3102 clock and keeping the 4049 to buffer the clock input of the MN3007.

Still learning quite a bit about BBD flangers and will post the trace and my chnages here but wanted to show the schematics I am working with to see if I am on the right track.

Here is my Diptrace drawing of the 2023 CL:


Here is my first rough draft pass at a few changes:

Just a note that the Elastic Mattress differs a bit from the Current Lover and I have not documented the deviations yet but will do so this week when I finish the trace.