Volume mod Can of Worms


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Did anyone find a more workable value for R15? After seeing the YouTube demo for the original, I had to order one of these boards. Hoping to get some serious AIC tone out of it.
I went with 10k cuz it's what I grabbed first. Worked for me.
The op amp needs a bit of resistance on the output to guard from oscillation from a capacitive load, but 180k seems OVERkill..
In the guitarworld review here they have a low res pic of the PCB. There's the big 1uF cube and on its lower left a resistor that looks like it's reading 1801, which would be 1k8, not 180k. Maybe they had a bad batch where the fab put the wrong resistor in and PedalPCB got one from that batch? All just speculation, but anyway, thought I could mention it.

He's the original pic extracted from HTML: Link

Mmh, but with a little imagination the last digit could be a 3 as well, in which case it would really be 180k.
VanWhy wrote a build report telling there is nothing wrong with the volume range.
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