New member
Hello! I posted this in Reddit and I was told to come here. I'm new but glad someone introduced me. Anyways, I have a bunch of NOS PNP germanium transistors. Just a few are silicon and npn. I'm on a super tight budget and usually only have the ability to learn and build with nos/recycled components anyways. So I'm seeing if I may be able to trade some of these transistors with someone that may want them and have some extra parts I need. I'm mainly looking for capacitors, foot switches, inputs and just a couple other things. I've been told to sell them but ide much rather skip all that stuff and just trade them with another builder. I have tested some but not all just using the old way with a couple of resistors and math. A couple are duds but seems more have had good leakage and hfe for fuzzes and what not. Most are unlabeled. The pictures are only about half of them. Including pictures of some of the labeled ones as well. Hopefully this interest someone and we can talk! Worth a try. Worst case I'll sell them up on eBay. Thank y'all!
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