War Scythe octave gating


New member
Finished a War Scythe build and both fuzz circuits sound amazing. However, when I engage the octave circuit all I get is a heavily gated signal, almost no high frequency getting through, and a some lows. The collector voltages on the ge trannies all look good, not sure what the voltages should be for the si transistors in the octave circuit. Any ideas what’s going on? Solders all look good, haven’t found a wrong component yet. Any help would be much appreciated!


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Been following a few of these war scythe threads hoping to solve similar issues. Fuzz sides sound alright but the octave does almost nothing on its own and when all three switches are on, the amount of noise generated is unreal. Hoping someone comes through with the solution, because I’m just left scratching my head for now.
I discovered I had a bag of mislabeled resistors from Tayda. My fault for not testing before using. Anyway...I had a 10m in the 160k spot. I switched it out for the right one and the octave is working now. Not sure if “octave” is what I’d call the effect though.