Weird LED issue making pedal non-functional


I am using a Love my Switches switch PCB, and a prewired LED w/ resistor. My last pedal, I ran a wire from the dc jack 9v and ground to the respective solder points on the switch PCB, and everything works. My most recent build, a Bellum MK ii, when I do the same thing, the pedal doesnt work. I get no bypass, no powered signal but the LED works. The minute I remove the wires running from the DC jack to the switch pcb 9v/Gr it works. I have no clue whats happening.
Maybe you soldered to the wrong side of the daughterboard?

Hard to tell without pics.

For what it's worth, the indicator led is not a part of the effecting circuit, so [edit for clarity:] if a circuit affects a signal, or a bypass signal is or isn't there--none of these will depend on the indicator led.
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I sorted it out, by removing the switch pcb and just wiring it manually.

I’m clearly not understanding vital element when using a switch PCB. If I use the LED pads on the switch PCB, how do I power the LED? There is an extra 9v/ ground pad, I figured I would just run 9v and ground straight to these from the jack. Clearly that’s not it cause that was the problem. When I removed those wires from the jack to the pads, it worked.