XC Phase - where to get matched quad 2N5952 JFETs?

You can buy 100 MMBF5457 from Mouser or DigiKey for around $25 and match them with a DC75 if you have one. I made a little testing jig to do just that and it worked and sounded great.
Not a bad price as well! Wouldn’t you need to adjust the Zener value to account for these having a different Vgs than the 2n5952?
Are you building to the new documentation, where one of the ICs is changed to a TL022? That fixed most peoples' (including mine) ticking and weak phase issues.

That being said, and without picking on specific vendors, I've found not all matched sets are the same. I bought a matched 5952 quad from Banzai and it just doesn't sound good in any phase circuit I've tried, whereas matched sets I've received elsewhere work just fine in those same circuits. So I don't know what's up with that.
I bought a set a while back from “PedalParts and Kits” website. Although I think I paid a lot less than they are now (think I paid like $12 for the set, and they are up to $18 a set now)