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    • Brett
      Brett reacted to scheffehcs's post in the thread Aion L5 Preamp Clean and Drive Channels with This ROCKS! This ROCKS!.
      When I saw that the JHS Crayon PCB was finished, I decided to abstain from buying it until I finish all the pedal projects I’ve started...
    • Brett
      Brett reacted to Chuck D. Bones's post in the thread A simple Relay Bypass with Like Like.
      Relay coils are solenoids and throw a wide magnetic field. Many Wah inductors are pot cores, which should provide good shielding. No...
    • Brett
      Brett replied to the thread A simple Relay Bypass.
      I haven't used the high-sensitivity type yet, but I do have an unfinished bypass design (based on one of Chuck's designs) where a high...
    • Brett
      Brett replied to the thread A simple Relay Bypass.
      It's probably safe to assume that when you're switching contacts at half the current (36mA vs. 72mA) with the high-sensitivity type...
    • Brett
      Brett reacted to aquataur's post in the thread A simple Relay Bypass with Like Like.
      Just for the record... I had used a similar circuit in the vicinity of a coil in the audio path (a wah). Using an OMRON G5V-2 seemed to...
    • Brett
      Brett reacted to HamishR's post in the thread Majestic/Cal 45 2-in-1 with This ROCKS! This ROCKS!.
      And unfortunately I could walk into Guitar Centre, pick up a random guitar, plug into a random amp, turn a few knobs and sound like me.
    • Brett
      Brett reacted to Chuck D. Bones's post in the thread Majestic/Cal 45 2-in-1 with Like Like.
      Yeah, good question. It's amazing how many pedals claim to "nail the Jimmy Page tone" as if Jimmy only had one tone. He didn't always...
    • Brett
      Brett reacted to aquataur's post in the thread A simple Relay Bypass with Like Like.
      I noticed that all of those relay bypass circuits uses a shottky diode in parallel to the relay coil to tame the kickback voltage...
    • Brett
      Brett reacted to Chuck D. Bones's post in the thread A simple Relay Bypass with Like Like.
      It's true that the time to unload the energy stored in an inductor, in this case the relay coil, is inversely proportional to the coil...
    • Brett
      Brett reacted to Robert's post in the thread What's on the workbench? with Haha Haha.
      If you thought the parts to PCB ratio was off......
    • Brett
      Brett reacted to Robert's post in the thread What's on the workbench? with Like Like.
      What's on the workbench? A lot.... It always makes my day when prototypes and parts show up at the same time... Let's build some...
    • Brett
      This is a tough pedal. It is tough due to the enclosure and fitting the circuit. Here are some tips that I learned- 1. Dry fit as much...
    • Brett
      Brett replied to the thread Source for Low-Pro caps?.
      It may be difficult to find something that large in a low profile (<7mm height) at the voltages you need. I can think of a couple...
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