Anyone ever owned one of these? Know what’s going on inside it?
Putting those 220pF caps there degrades the phase margin substantially. The circuit could be right on the edge of oscillation or oscillating at RF frequencies. Have you checked for ringing or oscillation with a scope? In any case, those caps do not provide filtering because of where they are located in the feedback loop.
- Despite what Mr. Chuck says, the 220pF caps don't cause oscillation (in this circuit).
- Also going against Chuck yet again, this really isn't a BB/Guvnor style circuit, as the first gain stage is an inverting one and the gain control is closer to a Big Muff one rather than what you'd find in a BB/Guvnor, plus it misses any sort of tonestack.
- The OP275 is actually quite unique sounding in drive circuits, but often in a weird or downright unpleasant way. in this one it's slightly starved by the 430R resistor off the power supply, which makes it clip earlier and fuzzier too. You can try different op amps, but since this is sort of an op amp fuzz, the OP275 with it's weird and fuzzy breakup in my opinion is rather essential.
- Here I'd like to note that the schematic linked above has a 430R resistor to create the Vcc seperately from the power filter cap and Vref voltage divider. Not sure if that is correct or not, but it creates more noise and an asymmetrical Vref. While noise is generally not good, you can achieve and asymmetrical Vref by just using 2 slightly different resistors instead...
Unfortunately I have taken it apart since, but I want to build another one sometime.Can we see your schematic?
Oh definitely!Interesting discussion here. ma I’ll keep an eye out for one on reverb. If I did happen to pick one up would anyone be interested in seeing exactly what’s inside?