First completed build: unison double tracker

Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
Just finished my first complete pedal build, the unison double tracker. I would call this attempt 2 at this pedal, the first one was thwarted by me soldering on the FV-1 chip entirely backwards (See this thread). But after reordering the PCB (this time with the chip pre soldered) I have now finished. Thanks to the workflow tips guide on the form, I think the end result came out rather neat. Also note that I had forgotten to clip and solder the LED leads when I took the pictures. For the decorations, I do not have the patience or supplies to do something super professional, so I went with the "Sharpies and gluing on a rock" route.

As for the sound of the pedal, it sounds great! I am a bass player, and with the dimension setting it really captures the Jaco chorus sound that he literally got from double tracking the fretless. And the middle setting does a great job of beefing up the tone. I have yet to use it on a gig, so it has not yet really been tested in gauntlet, but I look forward to doing so.

Overall, it was an excellent learning experience, I got a new pedal out of it, and I think it came out rather well. I look forward to building more.
IMG_3007.JPG IMG_3008.JPG
Hey, nice build! ive just finished one myself.

Do you have any idea which position each mode is in as i am not 100%

Great job (especially persevering after the first attempt---many folks would have given up then and there)! Excellent sounding pedal, too
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