Bellum Fuzz MK1


Well-known member
This came together quick. I didn’t have 20nf for C8 so I used 18nf. Not sure if that’s making this sound different, I don’t have a reference.

This thing is spurty, nasty, and the tone knob has an extreme range. Drive and Tone are highly interactive with each other.

I could get some great tones out of it. But I think I might try a few tamer pedals as I start exploring fuzzes.

I went with Tadya sand gray enclosure. Due to how harsh the pedal is, I decided to give it equally harsh artwork.

Nice build. The artwork is perfect for that pedal. There is a war in my ear drums when playing it.
When you say spurty, do you mean it has a gated sound? I always love seeing these being built. The mki and mkii are both really cool muffs.
When you say spurty, do you mean it has a gated sound? I always love seeing these being built. The mki and mkii are both really cool muffs.
yep- and it seems like there are some "notches" in the higher gain settings that are extra gated sounding. As in, not necessarily a liner progression across the range of the pot.
Looks perfect!

This was the pedal that officially made me give up on transistor sockets. Every time I give mine a tap with my knuckles the sound changes.
Haha oh man yep! There was some of that going on. Kept fiddling until it seemed stable. I started getting more comfortable with putting them directly on the board. still might do that.
yep- and it seems like there are some "notches" in the higher gain settings that are extra gated sounding. As in, not necessarily a liner progression across the range of the pot.
I'll pull mine out and play with it in a bit. I seem to remember some gating depending how I arranged the transistors, but where I ended up was much less of a gated fuzz and much more of a big bloom sound.