Skreddy Fuzz driver + live video


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I build the fuzz driver based on the aldrin board. Initially I wasn’t too impressed with a Marshall jubilee on the crunch channel. I recently bought a Plexi/Superlead amp. I play in a Led Zep tribute band and using the fuzz driver in combination with a EP preamp got me pretty close.

Jimmy has it setup for a brighter tone, but I don’t like that. Small demo from last Friday show:

The pedal is really dynamic, I leave it on all the time. For a clean tone you just roll down and get it really clean, with a good solo tone with the volume wide open. Really amazing pedal!!
Thanks! The pedal is now at the storage, but it just a black box painted by my 5 year old son in some random colors. I don't care too much for aesthetics, I build many fuzz/drive pedals and only use a few on my board. So I don't care too much for the looks.
I think you're probably getting a better sound than Jimmy Page ever did! I have never been a huge fan of his sound. I used to listen to Zep all the time but haven't for about 20 years. You're getting a great sound.
Ah thanks man, I love the music but I’m also not always a big fan of jimmy live sound. I do like the early ones like at the royal Albert hall.
I really like Jimmy’s tone on How the West Was One. But I read an article talking about all the post-processing he and Kevin “Caveman” Shirley did to those tracks, so the album likely bears little resemblance to how those songs actually sounded.
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