Salesman Overdrive Issues

I've enclosed two pics from my Salesman build. I'm sure I've done something stupid but have no clue what. The FS LEDs both come on when engaged but no sound when engaged or even not engaged with a straight clean tone from the amp. Also none of the four red LEDs on the board light up. I used a 7660SCPAZ chip. I've looked all over for any ground issues but found none. I'm open to any input. Thx


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also if you don't have signal even when bypassed something is shorted out somewhere, it looks like you didn't solder the dc jack leads
I think I got the Jfets at Stompbox a couple of years ago. Tough to find now. It tests well so I don't think there's an issue there. I didn't try biasing once I realized there was no signal going through the pedal whether on or off. I will certainly try that though because the pedal is getting power. I don't usually solder in the dc jacks until I know the pedal works. I just hook them in and make sure there is a good enough connection to power it.
I pulled it out of the box to examine and take the pics but I just don't see anything that would be grounding it. I will use jumpers next with no box to see if that is part of the issue. Thx
Oh wow, screwed that one. Will fix that asap. Once that is sorted i'm sure I'll at least get a clean signal. Would that have an effect on the signal getting to the red LED
There isn’t a schematic but my guess is those are clippers so I wouldn’t expect them to light if the signal was going directly to ground.

I don't believe so. If not, have I screwed myself on this pedal. I don't think I could successfully desolder the entire switch in order to start over.
No easy fix you just undo the nut and then there is a washer with a little nub on it. You pull that out turn the shaft all the way counter clockwise then install it on I’m guessing position 2 but I’m not certain.
Fixed the issue with the ground/output debacle. I now get a clean signal and an overdrive signal, which sounds great, but no boost signal. Both FS LEDs light up but no boost. Will install the switch limiting washer this evening although the switch seems to be working fine. BUT, none of the 4 red LEDs are lighting up. I used BAT 46 diodes. Would that be an issue? I got the green light for those on the forum here.
So I fixed the poor soldering job on the FS but still no Boost channel. Cut everything off. I will take it out of the enclosure this weekend and hook it up to some jumpers to see if there's some ground issue when in the box. Appreciate everyone's feedback.
Did you go back and adjust the bias? I’m not sure where that is located in the circuit but if it’s for the boost it could be the issue. Some circuits wont make a sound if the bias isn’t right.
Did you go back and adjust the bias? I’m not sure where that is located in the circuit but if it’s for the boost it could be the issue. Some circuits wont make a sound if the bias isn’t right.
Looking at the traces, it looks like the bias goes to the Boost, normally this is set at 4.5v on the Drain.
As DailyDovetails has noted, if it isn't bias right, it will be muted!