Just Acquired (2) NkT-275 ?


Active member
I just got some NkT-275 transistors I’m asking what pcb should I put them in .. I temporarily put them in a sunflower fuzz.. and I couldn’t get the bias right so I put a 10kohm resistor to replace the 30k ohm and it made it closer but it didn’t sound great I thought sounded better with the 30k0hm resistor… I also have a MOD FUZZ FACE PCB laying around I wonder if it sounds butter without the charge pump.. so I’m just asking for som insight… is there another pcb that these transistors sound great in Im curious… I just want to do a nice clean permanent installation with them… what’s the advantages of the charge pump


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Did you measure the transistors? What was the hfe and the leakage?

The purpose of the charge pump is to invert the voltage (it will give you -9v).
I asked for them to be hand picked … I’d like to put them in a sunflower pcb permanently but I want to make sure everything is right that’s why I use sockets. I used a atlas dca55


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If you don't mind my asking, were these from the latest batch Langrex posted, or is there another supplier (hopefully) selling these at more reasonable/affordable prices?
Also curious on the price and supplier. If I came across some for super cheap/free somehow, I would probably just flip them on eBay, because I don't believe the hype about them. Checkout what Analogman's fuzzes and Rangemaster with them go for on Reverb, it's insane, and I just cannot buy the idea that any one Ge part number can be so much drastically better than another, when accounting for leakage, gain, and temperature. AM's stuff sounds great, but the hype around the transistors borders on snake oil to me.
Also curious on the price and supplier. If I came across some for super cheap/free somehow, I would probably just flip them on eBay, because I don't believe the hype about them. Checkout what Analogman's fuzzes and Rangemaster with them go for on Reverb, it's insane, and I just cannot buy the idea that any one Ge part number can be so much drastically better than another, when accounting for leakage, gain, and temperature. AM's stuff sounds great, but the hype around the transistors borders on snake oil to me.
Sounds like what somebody without a sunface nkt would say 🤣