Salesman Overdrive Issues

I've enclosed two pics from my Salesman build. I'm sure I've done something stupid but have no clue what. The FS LEDs both come on when engaged but no sound when engaged or even not engaged with a straight clean tone from the amp. Also none of the four red LEDs on the board light up. I used a 7660SCPAZ chip. I've looked all over for any ground issues but found none. I'm open to any input. Thx


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Looking at the traces, it looks like the bias goes to the Boost, normally this is set at 4.5v on the Drain.
As DailyDovetails has noted, if it isn't bias right, it will be muted!
Gotcha, I think that's where the issue is. I'm not getting any consistent readings no matter how I bias the resistor. I did get a 3.3v reading for just a second and the a couple of the red LEDs dimly lit and then nothing. Mostly I get readings of about .2 or point .3 occasionally. I hit all the solder points one more time and still nothing. Any thoughts on a possible bad component somewhere?
Replaced the 50k trimmer, the socket and the used my first ever mmbfj201. Bought these from Robert and thought it was the right time to try this out. With all this done I was able to dial in 4.5v and still... no boost. I also tested it inside and outside the box (with jumpers) to make sure I was grounding out somewhere in the box. I'm sure it's something stupid I've overlooked or possibly used and incorrect value somewhere but I'm just at a loss. At least the pedal sounds great without it. Still open to any ideas. Thanks for all the great feedback. Great community here.


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From the schematic C15 should be a 1n5(152) but those are pretty close so I’m guessing that’s not it. Everything else looked right. Did you ever go back and make sure the rotary was in the right spot? I think it should go in the square with the 2 next to it but @Robert would know for sure. 1719689231321.jpeg
1. Try reflowing all the Boost Breakout PCB Solder pads ie Input IN GND SW OUT Output.
2. if that doesn't work, do the same to the main PCB pads that connect to the Boost Switch above in number 1.