Why LM1458 in Timmy?


Well-known member
I was wondering why a LM1458 is used in the Timmy (Tommy III) versus a 4558? My understanding is that it's a stripped down TS, so, why not the 4558? Building one now and plan on socketing the op-amp, just wanted to get some opinions.
It could be a number of things. Maybe the LM1458 has less high frequency content which sounded more pleasing when testing ICs. Maybe LM1458s were available at a better price in bulk. Maybe there weren't many 4558s available at the time.

Whatever the reason I doubt you'll hear very much difference regardless of which dual op-amp chip you use. i used a TLC272 in the last one I built because that's what I had on hand and they generally work well and are quiet.

LM1458s and JRC4558s and not really high art especially musical artifacts. They're mass produced electronic arts which are used in anything electronic. You're on the right track in using a socket to try a few different ICs. See if you can hear a difference!
LM1458 is basically a dual 741, and, for example, some people swear the BMPOA won't sound right unless a 741 is in the 2nd IC slot.
However, GPCB, for example uses 2xdual op-amps in its IC-Muff clone instead of a dual and a single for the chips.
So to get "the sound" you'd need a 4558 in the first slot and a LM1458 in the second... \
but emough about that, don't be Timmyd, try a variety of ICs as HamishR suggested.

I wonder how a TL072 will sound... might be preferable on bass. 🤷‍♂️
In ears we trust.
I remember way back before I got into building I bought a Timmy. I believe PaulC himself suggested trying different ICs and he built the Timmy with a socket which made it easy to audition different chips. I tried a few back then and couldn't really hear a huge difference - even then it was probably more how I played when testing than the sound of the chip. I ended up with a TL072 back then.