Has anyone tried silicon carbide diodes as clippers?


Well-known member
Has anyone tried silicon carbide (SiC) diodes as clippers in their circuits?
If so, can they comment on how they sound compared to other options?

SiC diodes have a quoted forward voltage of ~1.35V, putting them between Si diodes (Vf ~ 0.7V) and Red LEDs (Vf ~ 1.7V) and comparable to infrared diodes (Vf ~ 1.2V). So that seemingly makes them another candidate on the clipper spectrum. (Note industry quoted Vf's are typically measured at much higher currents than we stompbox users typically explore.)

Here's the forward bias characteristics from one randomly picked SiC diode, with 2A forward current capacity.

1721494101392.png 1721494072128.png
Rohm SCS302AH (SiC 2A 650V) - left is linear plot, right is semi-log plot which better displays the characteristics for the current values that most stompboxes explore (e.g., roughly 0.1-10mA).

1721493625460.png 1721494207687.png
Here's 1N4148 Si diode curves for comparison. Left plot is an NXP 1N4148, right is for a Diodes Inc 1N4148. 1N4148's are usually rated ~0.2A & ~75V.
(I show different 1N4148 diodes simply because I didn't find one spec sheet with both linear and log I-V plots.)

At low currents (~1-10mA), the SCS302AH SiC diode has a steeper derivative ∂[log(I)]/∂V when it turns on near ~0.85V than the 1N4148 does when it turns on near ~0.4V. This observation suggests a more compressed behavior when entering distortion. Of course, the SCS302AH is just one of many SiC diodes, so I will explore others.

Anyway, I'm starting to build a PedalPCB Pandora's Box (Bixonic Expandora), and wanted to add a higher voltage clipper per what @Zanshin did (https://forum.pedalpcb.com/threads/...cist-aion-distortron-bor-and-expandora.21387/). But I didn't want to jump all the way from Vf~0.7V (1N4148) to Vf~1.7V (red LED), so I'm thinking of trying a pair of SiC diodes to see what happens...

Added comment: I was thinking of using an IR LED, however all the ones I looked at had very low reverse voltage tolerance - e.g., max reverse voltage was between 2 and 5V. That's just not good enough.
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I have not tried the SiC Schottky diodes, which seem to have a slightly higher Vf than he 1N4148 Si diodes. When I want a subtle increase to Vf, I generally put a 1N5817 Schottky in series with the original clipping device.

FWIW, I am not one of those who can hear or feel the difference between diode curves. When I use FETS, MOSFETs or transistors as the clipping component I can definitely hear / feel the difference, especially because I am a guitar volume control abuser.

FYI: this site has good info on clipping diodes: https://www.guitarpedalx.com/news/gpx-blog/a-brief-hobbyist-primer-on-clipping-diodes
this site has good info on clipping diodes
@andrewsrea -

Right, I've seen that, it is a good article. However it doesn't mention SiC, and it also fails to note than most IR LEDs (at least those that are III-V materials, such as GaAlAs) have unusably low tolerance for reverse voltage, e.g., 2-5V. That's so low that, even with a 9V supply, you could easily destroy them.

You are certainly right about using series diodes as a route to higher Vf, that's a good point.

Cheers and thanks!
@andrewsrea -

Right, I've seen that, it is a good article. However it doesn't mention SiC, and it also fails to note than most IR LEDs (at least those that are III-V materials, such as GaAlAs) have unusably low tolerance for reverse voltage, e.g., 2-5V. That's so low that, even with a 9V supply, you could easily destroy them.

You are certainly right about using series diodes as a route to higher Vf, that's a good point.

Cheers and thanks!
FWIW: I typically measure the forward voltage of the clipping device using the diode setting of a DMM and make decisions on matching, symmetry, how high, etc.) on that. Again, I am not a 'curves' guy with pedals, as the range of signal voltage and amperage is low making the audible (feelable?) differences, very subtle.
Hi Darwin,

I measured a couple SiC in this thread
You can filter for "Silicon Carbide" in the filter upper left corner in this plot
The BIRBM... and SIR2424 in this plot are also IR LEDs, have a look

By the way, if you end up measuring any diodes I dont have, I ll be happy to take the data and add to the plot,

are they cheaper than $5?
You're out ahead of me!
First I have to test them, THEN I'll come back and swear they're fricking awesome and offer them to the world for the low low price of only $9.95...
Too bad they're aren't any NOS SiC diodes!!!
I measured a couple SiC in this thread
You can filter for "Silicon Carbide" in the filter upper left corner in this plot
The BIRBM... and SIR2424 in this plot are also IR LEDs, have a look
Excellent, thanks!
And I'll forward any data that I take.
I'm presently deciding which ones to try out, going through datasheets.
FWIW: I typically measure the forward voltage of the clipping device using the diode setting of a DMM and make decisions on matching, symmetry, how high, etc.) on that. Again, I am not a 'curves' guy with pedals, as the range of signal voltage and amperage is low making the audible (feelable?) differences, very subtle.
It may very well be subtle.
I'm still learning what differences *are* audible, so I probably should turn this into a learning experience.
For sure a very big part of it is the "Vf" value, as you note.
However from mathematical intuition, I can't help but think the curvature matters for generating the specific distortion harmonics.
So I have my homework ahead of me.