Need help …
I built an Aion Lumitron - build report here
Schematic is here https://aionfx.com/app/files/docs/lumitron_documentation.pdf
And a screen grab for your ease is here…
And have a problem …
Basically if the volume on the output is anywhere but fully open there is a crackling noise when there is signal coming through - but before the sense indicator LED after R23 turns on, once sense Led is lit no noise.
Volume on full no noise.
Remove the LED no noise.
Try a different colour LED, thr noise sounds different…
Try a low current LED, the point it turns on reduces, but still noise.
Something about it means google is not helping, as it isn’t the on/off switch popping, nor is it the indicators on a car…
Reddit question with similar suggests two ways to do it “Use a small signal diode like a 1n4148 in series with the led to avoid excessive tinkering. Or add an extra resistor and 470/1000uf electrolytic inline with the power supply for noise decoupling.”
I kind of think this is so basic I must be doing something daft wrong - is Reddit right and how would you approach?
Need help …
I built an Aion Lumitron - build report here
Aion Lumitron (MuTron iii) - with some mods - a bass player solders
So I got a kit from Musikding and it all went together super quickly! It’s the Lumitron design of a Mutron 3 which was just super simple build - the sister board for the 3pdt footswitch is a bit different to the ppcb approach but makes sense I guess… While they make them nice and easy to build...
Schematic is here https://aionfx.com/app/files/docs/lumitron_documentation.pdf
And a screen grab for your ease is here…
And have a problem …
Basically if the volume on the output is anywhere but fully open there is a crackling noise when there is signal coming through - but before the sense indicator LED after R23 turns on, once sense Led is lit no noise.
Volume on full no noise.
Remove the LED no noise.
Try a different colour LED, thr noise sounds different…
Try a low current LED, the point it turns on reduces, but still noise.
Something about it means google is not helping, as it isn’t the on/off switch popping, nor is it the indicators on a car…
Reddit question with similar suggests two ways to do it “Use a small signal diode like a 1n4148 in series with the led to avoid excessive tinkering. Or add an extra resistor and 470/1000uf electrolytic inline with the power supply for noise decoupling.”
I kind of think this is so basic I must be doing something daft wrong - is Reddit right and how would you approach?
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