(Actual) 3-Channel ParaMix


Active member
There seems to be a fair amount of interest on this board for parallel mixers. I know that makes an appearance in the Wish List forum. I've asked Robert about the possibility that one will be forthcoming, but no answer. It sounds like one is in the works, but it's not soup yet. Darn. My perfect parallel mix pedal would have the ability to mix two separate effects channels in parallel, each with their own phase reverse switch, with a clean channel and separate level pots for each channel. If this sounds familiar, it's the Old Blood Noise Signal Blender (which is actually pretty reasonably priced, but I'd like to build my own).

The Guitar PCB ParaMix appears to be nearly what I am looking for, but not quite close. And their documentation is pretty confusing really (They show you how to wire two stomp switches but the picture shows three?). He implies that you can blend three signals together, but really you can only blend one effects pedal in parallel, and the other would be in series with the clean signal, basically no different than plugging it front of or after the Paramix pedal. But in any case, you have to sacrifice your clean signal to use it.

I bought three of their PCBs to play around with. The first one I plan on building stock. But the others, I'd like to mess with. I think I can find a way using some offboard wiring and Vero board to fly in a couple circuit blocks to accomplish what I'm trying to do.

I've attached a PDF of a schematic of what I'd like to do.
I've already breadboarded the first section of the TL074 that splits the signal three ways and it seems like there's enough buffering to provide a clear signal for all three sends. The effects returns each have a recovery stage but the clean channel doesn't. I've put together a Runoff Groove JFET recovery stage circuit and breadboarded it so I can drop that in pretty easily on an offboard Vero. The Clean channel after the splitter junction and the Send B section would have to be constructed on a Vero board and so would the phase switching for Return B (or I could hang it from the switch). Otherwise, I'm not really seeing a major problem.

If I'm reading the GuitarPCB schematic correctly, the VCC points are about 4.5 volts. I'm guessing that's a bias voltage? (I can't find a Vb schematic symbol on Diptrace, but this seems to work for me).

Here is the GuitarPCB schematic with a couple of my notes on it. I've highlighted the components that I think I can either move to an offboard circuit block or eliminate.


And here's the board. Highlights are the junctures where offboard components would be flown in. With IC pin #3 it will be a little bit tricky: I'd have to bend the leg out and insert a resistor into the socket and then solder the resistor directly to IC pin 3. It will look wonky, but I think it will get the job done.

I realize this could easily turn into a wiring nightmare, but I suspect it's already going to be challenging anyway. And besides, it's a spare PCB.
Can anyone with more experience weigh in and point out anything I may be missing? I was wondering if trim pots on each channel would be helpful too just to set some internal gain. I'm kinda afraid that I'll get some disparities in the output levels on this and won't have an option to fix it.


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Another idea could be to use two boards to build a 4 loop mixer. You just need to remove the input stage and mixing stage from one of the boards and just use the ones from the other.
Another idea could be to use two boards to build a 4 loop mixer. You just need to remove the input stage and mixing stage from one of the boards and just use the ones from the other.
I think I'm kinda wavering here at the prospect of inserting a resistor and switch between IC pin 3 and the socket. I'm sorta wondering if it makes more sense to just build an offboard circuit for the second effects channel using a TL071. It was a suggestion on another forum and kind of a light bulb moment for me.

It would also allow me to fix a trim pot at the negative feedback of each of the channels to adjust the gain internally (see P1), as sort of a way of tuning the balance of the signals going through it. I could see a use for something like that. So the PCB would get built out pretty much stock, minus the input and output in the late stage of the clean channel. And a duplicate Send and Return channel would be built on Vero board, I guess, (I wish there was a cheap way of doing that on a PCB) and that would just tie into the board at the locations circled.

It's actually a pretty clean approach, I think. Probably more Opamps than it needs, but that's really a FWP.
I'd like to see a PPCB clone of the Phantom Pain by DiabloChris6.

As Chris describes it:

The Phantom Pain audio router is inspired by the audio pathway of Earthquaker Devicesʼs Disaster Transport Sr. delay pedal, but I made it a “modular” circuit so you could incorporate any 3 effects that you want. How does it work? Well, send/return A is always in parallel with send/return B. Send/return C is always in series with effect B. The blend knob allows for effect A to stay in parallel with effects B and C, mixes the parallel A and B into effect C, or a combination of series and parallel.

Re GuitarPCB:
I've thought of building GPCB's Paramix with the BuffnBlend in front of it...
I'd like to see a PPCB clone of the Phantom Pain by DiabloChris6.

As Chris describes it:

Re GuitarPCB:
I've thought of building GPCB's Paramix with the BuffnBlend in front of it...
So basically loops a and b are your parallel loops and c is your dry signal path? Sounds the same as the Xotic X Blender but it only has 1 parallel loop that you been in with the dry.

Edit to say wait I just re-read the description and that’s a mind F*** lol.
So basically loops a and b are your parallel loops and c is your dry signal path? Sounds the same as the Xotic X Blender but it only has 1 parallel loop that you been in with the dry.

Edit to say wait I just re-read the description and that’s a mind F*** lol.
There’s a block diagram somewhere on the Madbean forum. If you think it’s a mindf*** by reading it, it’s twice as much seeing it visualized 😵‍💫
Hell it took me a while to figure out the EHX Switchblade Pro…until I realized one of the A/B foot switches wasn’t working properly. Unloosened the nut a tad and it worked. It’d have been a great pedal if the impedance or noise issues weren’t there. Not sure what it was about it but it wasn’t right. Changed your tone significantly. Added a noise around 1-2k Id guess. Also unity gain was nowhere close to where it should’ve been.

I wonder if they got the Tri Parallel Mixer right?
Did anyone make use of the 3 way splitter and mixer to build something like this? The OBNE splits the signal into 3 parallel paths. A)clean with volume B)parallel loop 1 with return volume and phase switch and C)parallel loop 2 with return volume and phase switch then summed to one output.

Wonder why you don’t see any of these with stereo outs? I’ve owned the OBNE Signal Blender and the Xotic X blend. Both were different types of blend circuits. The SB allows your clean signal 100% dry always. Buffered when on but bypassed when off. You leave it on and you engage either or both loops and use the return stage to bring the wet volume up. Dry volume doesn’t change.

Whereas the X Blend is true bypass unit. When you turn the loop on the blend knob shifts from all clean at fully ccw, 50% mix at half and all wet with knob turned fully cw. It also has a phase switch with the addition of level, boost and eq.

The Rocktron Tru-Blend was similar to this as was the Barge Concepts VbJr.

@Robert Is something still in the works or has it flew over my head lol?

IMG_6165.jpeg IMG_6164.jpeg IMG_9372.jpeg IMG_9371.jpeg
This was the last word I heard on the OBNE blender. It was after Pedalpcb had released separate splitters and blenders.

Thanks. Hopefully it will be out soon.
Eh, not sure. I'd love for someone to do a deep dive into an OBNE Signal Blender. I suspect it's a more complicated project than it appears at first blush. But what do I know. Has anyone ever posted a gut shot of one of these pedals?
Check this out. Looks like a wallet friendly Signal Blender clone with series or parallel routing. Since there’s a 12$ off coupon I ordered one. I’ll confirm if it behaves/sounds/or rather doesn’t make a sound when it comes in. Actually doesn’t look that bad. Might be a minute before it gets hear though. Through eBay btw.
