zero's various pedal builds

Actually you know what is killing my aesthetics now? It's that I have two line 6 pedals, the shallow water that I stamped, the Hydra with its faceplate, and now about 8 other pedals with no descriptions at all.
Hey Robert can you please make a faceplate for all pedals so I don't have to wonder what my pedals do?
I should probably have learned how to use illustrator but I'm 37 and as you know you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
It's learnable. I just turned 40. It's taking time but getting there. I figure by the time I use it enough to get good at etching, I'll be good enough at it to just get them UV printed...
I would've had it figured out in a week when I was 15...
Duocast with AC 151. My first time ordering germanium from eBay. I have a couple of other similar ones, and I also have the silicon transistor I can try out too when I get a chance. I also purpose ordered capacitors from digikey, and then the 330uf still didn't fit lol

I was thinking this would be cool to have as an overdrive that I could punch into fuzz, but actually turns out I'm really enjoying it as a clean boost so it might stay there.
Also you can see the label maker I got for Christmas hard at work now.

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Oh I put a 1nf cap on the back, as per (post 37 & 40)
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Ungula fuzz. Again with the new germaniums from eBay, this is two oc139. I also have the bits for cleft mod, which in my brief testing before I got the germanium in the mail I did actually quite like.
15nf for shift just to make @Chuck D. Bones happy.
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Chop shop. Only brief testing of this one so far, not sure it's all that it's hyped to be. As a clean boost I think the duocast is a bit better, and at high gain I have other pedals doing similar. Sounds alright into the ungula though.
This is the metallic clear color from Tayda, looks quite nice in person as the imperfections are shown but also a bit sparkly.
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1000049550.jpg 1000049561.jpg 1000049563.jpg Super Heterodyne Receiver. This one is still a WIP, there's a load of noise coming from it, which I read may be from the 4069 chip. Ordered one yesterday so can test that next week when it's delivered.
Added the tracking mod on a switch, and used a UV print that I found on the forum ( this one might end up going to a friend as a gift.

Mods & attached PDF


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Desolate Fuzz.
Now, I'm pretty sure it's working, I built 8 of these smd j201s onto adaptors, them male pins and they can then go into the sockets. I them labelled them, and tested them one by one, in all combinations and picked two that seemed to make the right noises and the least bad noise. I don't have a DCA75 to test the 201s better so if you're in Australia and have one and want to loan it to me just send your invoice to my PM haha.
I think I liked the sound in demos, just an absolute blow out noise, not certain that I can get it to work with my pedalboard though, I'll need to come back to it.
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Son of Ben. Sounds okay, feel like I have other pedals that can duplicate it. Probably shouldn't have ordered 6 overdrives in one order lol.
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Sea Horse - I think I was after more of a classic chorus, ended up with a chorus / snapback delay. Not sold on this one. Probably need to build a Caesar chorus but this was going to cost 50$ less to build. Win some, lose some.
I think it has most of Chuck's mods.
Delay pot is 5K, filter mod was done, feedback mods were done, LFO Rate mod was done, Shape mod was done.
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Pitch Witch. I think I got lucky with the weird modulation pedals the first time with the lowtide, and I should have stopped there. This one doesn't sound bad, I just may not need it.
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Board currently. I really wanted an FX loop back so while the Pod Express did almost everything else I needed, I wanted the FX loop for when I'm using a high gain amp model. The HX One is primarily my gate & tuner, but then fills in for anything else might like. Compressor, looper, reverb, other delays and dirt pedals I haven't built yet.
The footswitch at the top right is just momentary switches for the Stomp and HX One for cycling presets, and costs a 10th of what a midi controller to do the same thing would. Bit miffed about how much real estate it takes up but oh well.
Really like the circulator phaser, and as much as I love delays, the mag echo really does everything I need a delay to do.
The Notakliche into the Sherwood is a favourite high gain sound, I think there's a good chance they might get a new enclosure together in the future.

My wife made me the sticker for my pick tin. She asked why I had so many different ones and I said, look they cost a dollar each, I can afford to be picky and we both thought that was pretty funny.
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