“How did they make that sound” thread

Atom ant

Well-known member
I was thinking about the idea that as a new pedal builder, and a newish musician, I am more frequently now hearing sounds, effects, phrases, etc. I music, and wondering “how do they make THAT sound?” That led me to the idea that folks who make effects pedals might have the best ears for that sort of thing. That led me to here. What about a thread or forum where there is input to questions about how a certain sound or tone was made? How did ______ do this? Etc. just a thought.
I love this idea! I admittedly picked up my guitar for the first time in a long time at the start of the pandemic precisely because of this question: I looked into what Bradford Cox was doing on He Would've Laughed's arpeggiated riff (it was an Eventide Pitchfactor, apparently). Found my way into the diy corner of the world not long after.
Here’s my first of what will be many.

Dave Roback was (RIP) one of my favorite guitarists. Simple compositions that really evoke emotion.

Starting at 17 seconds in. Is that an attack decay with some dirt?
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Here’s my first of what will be many.

Dave Roback was (RIP) one of my favorite guitarists. Simple compositions that really evoke emotion.

Starting at 17 seconds in. Is that an attack decay with some dirt?
I love this one too. In live footage it looks like he is rocking a volume pedal and it also sounds like maybe a touch of wah or autowah. I don't hear any dirt, just super clean. There is also a pedal steel guitar in the song as well
*looks up volume pedal pcb*
You can get a used Line6 EX-1 expression pedal for fairly cheap and mod them to a volume pedal or virtually anything else. I modded mine to work like a Moog EP3. They even already have a spot for the pot on the side.
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If you are into newer music there is a lot of post production work now days that can’t reasonably be reproduced with pedals (especially analog pedals) due to automation and editing.( I guess you could do it if you were an octopus. )But in the same breath there is the phrase that I definitely find valid “close enough for rock and roll”
I've got one.. Jolene by Cake. How did they do the crazy flangerish sound on the intro at about 40 seconds? If it's just a flanger, which one? They don't do whatever it is live.

I hear a flanger in the mix(post-production). The FOH mixer could do this live.