Voodoo Redux Guitarpcb

The kicker for me is the fat switch on the fuzz. I don't recall any silicon FF that could do the roar of Hendrix's live recordings. This does it in spades and also does the guitar volume down better than most Si fuzz's. Some cool tricks on the Vibe side and the overdrive does some cool drive sounds especially at the lower end of the pot and interacts well with the guitar volume. Take note of the knob settings (admittedly rummage sale knobs). Gains are down on both the FF and the Marshall.

Heres a flat out Tayda drill/UV pic.


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Nice build! just started one. Are the graphics done @ Tayda? Any complaints on the pedal?
I worked up the graphics in gimp and printed on waterslide… it’s pretty decent.. The vibe is decent and the fuzz is a good medium gain… not crazy about the plexi part of the circuit… it’s a decent build
Looks great! Let’s hear a demo, play that thing!
Man I’d really like to have some sort of setup or way to do demos…. I always play my pedalboard through my PC but I have nothing for recording and certainly don’t have a capable webcam… The webcam I have is from literally 15 years ago.. and….I sold the pedal the same week.. lol.. I do want to build a couple of his other pcbs that interest me… I have a goal/want to figure out a way to just stream YouTube and build PCBs… I’m already sitting there doing it for hours on the weekends… Why not just stream it and see who shows up..
Honestly I'd rather see you demo this thing because you're so good at this. I needed a brain drain project in this place at that time so I'm biased (or not, I plug into this thing and think it still sounds very cool).

Want me to send it up north?
And I think swelchy's points are well taken. There's nothing earth shaking about this little build, but damn sam, this is still interesting territory in a same/same world.