Lo to mid gain pedal for surf punk?


Well-known member
Friend and I were chatting at lunch, he’s interested in a low to mid gain pedal for his surf punk band.

He’s using amp distortion from a solid state Marshall (I forget the model) and a boss overdrive (that that I’m modding)

Kliche is my first thought but wanted to see if the brain trust had any other ideas.

If you're looking for something to juice the amp and drive the amp's distortion more, I think a Kliche/Klon style pedal is great for that. Slight mid hump will push it forward and give the perception of being more up front. If you want to try something else, the Benson preamp, Greer Lightspeed OD, and Fairfield Circuitry Barbershop are some of my favorite low to mid gain pedals. To my ear the Lightspeed has less "color" to its sound than the other two, but maybe you don't mind a little sauce mixing on your tone palate. I don't know where that analogy came from, maybe because its lunch time and I am hungry.
I like the barbershop, ben and greer as well as the Glory. The glory hold impressed me more than I thought it would with the exception of the high switch, it is BARELY noticeable and only with the gain maxed.

Surf/punk is not a genre I have played. Glad I am on the right track.
So many acronyms in this realm that don't have entries on Urban dictionary :P just recently learned 'MIAB' Marshall in a box.

Not familiar with surf punk's aound, but when I hear surf, I think a treble booster. Something like a Screaming Tree. Small as (a few components smaller than…) an LPB-1. Super 1590A candidate.
I'm into Surf music, and while I like it all, I lean to stuff with a harder edge such as Link Wray, Dick Dale, etc.

However, I'm not familiar enough with Surf Punk, so I didn't make a suggestion. I see several circuits mentioned here that came to mind, though.

Long preamble to my true intention:
You got some vid-links or sound-clouds of your friend's SurfPunk band (or any other Surf Punk)? — seems right up my alley.
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Let me see what I can find and will share.

I'm into Surf music, and while I like it all, I lean to stuff with a harder edge such as Link Wray, Dick Dale, etc.

However, I'm not familiar enough with Surf Punk, so I didn't make a suggestion. I see several circuits mentioned here that came to mind, though.

Long preamble to my true intention:
You got some vid-links or sound-clouds of your friend's SurfPunk band (or any other Surf Punk)? — seems right up my alley.