6 Band Slider Equilizer


Active member
My first build report, not the first pedal I built. This was pretty straight forward. Enclosure and many components from Tayda. Had Tayda cut slots for sliders and UV my own design. Artwork is free .png's off the web. Used Sliders from StompBoxParts which work great. I did widen the slots a bit for Tayda to cut. Everything fits GREAT!!!

Tayda Template for 6 Band Slider EQ modded for Stomp Box Parts Sliders

Only hiccup was not ordering 14 pin dip sockets so had to improvise as shown in photos.

Fired it up and it works as it should. All sliders flattened at 50% results in no audible change (to me) to volume level or tone when pedal is en/disengaged. Adjusting sliders up/down results in the various bandwidth boost/cut as it should.









Edit:added pic and Template link.
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Right on! I have this one in the queue.

I bought the replacement p/n for the slider pots on Tayda, but I'm liking the white detents on those ones! Haven't soldered them in yet… maybe I'll get some of those.
Right on! I have this one in the queue.

I bought the replacement p/n for the slider pots on Tayda, but I'm liking the white detents on those ones! Haven't soldered them in yet… maybe I'll get some of those.

Tayda has the correct ones in stock? I gave up on them. These do look good without any knobs which is a good thing because I could not find knobs ANYWHERE to fit. These slider handles are thicker than Tayda's so slots need to be a bit wider. The template I linked to worked great for my build.

I can't take full credit for the template, I found one here in the forum. All I did was move the LED hole and resized for the holder I used as well as widen the slots for the sliders. Slots and screw holes were already perfect, the originator of the template deserves credit. Unfortunately I can't recall who that is but if I can find the post I'll link it here in a subsequent post.
Looks like they're all out now. A-7262 was the SKU I went with, as it matched the Alpha specs, and there were a few left in early January. The one listed in the build doc (Alpha) had been out for a long time with no estimated restock, iirc.

Looks like they're meant to be used with these. Ha.


1.8×4mm. fits

I could probably find some of those rubber caps like old ARP synths had.

Funnily enough, I also started with a verified layout from the forum and moved the LED 🤣