DRIVE 55 (GrandLaff Di-Anemic overdosin’)

[EDIT: Yeesh, I didn't even realise there's a "Drive 55" PedalPCB project or I would've named this project something else!
Sorry if anyone came here thinking it was something to do with Catalinbread's Formula 55. —FF 12 July,'22]
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Friend of mine wanted a Landgraff Dynamic OD to see what the fuss is about. I've had the PCB built up for a couple months now, was planning a dual-circuit build... but then he said he'd prefer the two builds separate.

His birthday came up so I decided to give him this and I'll build him something else in exchange for a pedal he gave me.

GPCB board, 'cause I had it, and then I tried painting the white plastic footswitch washer, which worked and looked good. As suspected, it didn't survive the tightening. I was going to put in an all black footswitch, but I don't have any just yet — so may swap that out later.

The lettering is some old press&scratch thingy-stuff, probably so old that it's brittle now. Painting the road-sign boarder stripes bled through the masking tape. He's a computer-programmer so the font is retro-digital or whatever, not in keeping with highway signs, but then neither is 55, in Canada depending on the highway we drive 100, 110, 120 ... km/h.

The jacks are cockeyed 'cause the enclosure started to walk across the drill press surface, as it turns out my heavy vice-clamp isn't quite flat/square to the world so the motor's vibrations of the drill press, and I couldn't find the bolts to fasten the vice to the drill press... So I wound up eyeballing everything, all the drill holes on the face and the sticker-lettering itself etc. Oh, and the enclosure is a Tayda pre-paint (got chipped up, which partly inspired the highway-sign boarder striping.

I used a super-duper bright white LED with 1k8, but because of the LED bezel, it's not so bad. Oh, and I drilled out the hole for the bezel too big and tried hot glue, but in the end crazy glue seemed to work.

Trouble shooting:
- Soldered the output to the jack's switch instead of tip, didn't take me too long to find that.
- Soldered three wires to the foot-switch middle column, as per the instructions (which works great if you use a bi-colour LED and don't put in a short-to-ground on the circuit input in bypass...) Once I removed the wire from S6 and the board, the effect sprang to life.

No surprise that the LED setting is my favourite clipping-mode.

Build report is half-arsed 'cause I'm rushing to finish it before going over to my friend's place — I was invited over for some roast-pork, his birthday was this past Saturday, but the paint wasn't dry yet... he doesn't know he's getting a gift today.

Thanks for readin'; Later, fellow solder-sniffers!
Cheers, FF
You could change it to "Drive 88" (which is the km/h conversion of 55mph), probably would be able to create only minor update to the graphic to turn the 5's to 8's