Plz Critique My Layout

All good points up in here.

C1 is easy enough to move. I'm gonna move that one.

C11: I had read in Chuck's thread on this one that one ought to make the network @ Q1's base as short as possible to avoid interference. So I took a maximalist approach to that guy.

As to the rest of the layout:

What I'm seeing in regards to the signal path is that I'm taking a bit of a circuitous path away from the most direct/shortest path by diverting everything towards the bias pot on the right hand side. So I should probably re-arrange some of what I have over there towards the center Tone pot.

Power: any thoughts on a more efficient layout from that perspective? Right now I've got two separate legs for distributing the positive rail all horseshoe like.
great thread. I've been wanting to do my own layout for a while but never seem to find the time, but I'm learning a lot just from following this.

@Stickman393 your latest layout looks so much slicker than the first one
Getting cleaner for sure! Some of those split horseshoe traces could just be run from one to another in series and connect all the same. IE the top right opamp pin 4/8-D4 etc but all in all it’s much better.
great thread. I've been wanting to do my own layout for a while but never seem to find the time, but I'm learning a lot just from following this.

@Stickman393 your latest layout looks so much slicker than the first one

Ah, I'm just abusing the good will of my fellow message board denizens to make up for my own n00bishness and ineptitude.

You are all my puppets. Dance, fools, dance!

Um... where's your ground pour?
Another update. Few little components moved around. I stare at this thing sometimes and think "well why the fuck don't i just move that thing over there?"

So I do.

Yeah, couple of weird traces I'm gonna fix.

Screenshot 2025-03-08 185302.png Screenshot 2025-03-08 185312.png Screenshot 2025-03-08 185329.png
Clearance around that bottom left pot still sucks. Lower right looks a lot easier though. Maybe try to match the clearances
Coming along nicely though!