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  1. H

    Sonic Distortion derivates

    I used 1-1 and 2-2 symmetrical 1n4148 and have that on a switch. Touch on the Way Huge is best to me. Didn’t like the Meteor build.
  2. H

    Clandestine (Chase Tone Secret) noise increases when putting on back lid

    I expect it to be voltage regulation. @Robert: why has this resolved my issue with the noise?
  3. H

    Compulsive/ generated need buying from Das Musikding: was a mistake?

    Yes, it’s an option to add a drilled enclosure. I’ve had issues with those in the past so I drill my own.
  4. H

    Compulsive/ generated need buying from Das Musikding: was a mistake?

    I meant SMD instead of SMC. :) I agree about components and tubes becoming harder to source. If you check the limited stock of colored enclosures at Musikding then that's an example of supply issues.
  5. H

    Compulsive/ generated need buying from Das Musikding: was a mistake?

    I've received the King Nothing kit from Klaus today and everything was included and correct except the J201 which was a fake (NPN not JFET). I've had more occasions where he's send fake JFETS. I measured some that I had and used a 2n5485 that was close to the specs of J201s (as mentioned in the...
  6. H

    King Nothing limited tone control?

    Just build a King Nothing and it worked first time and is sounding quite cool. Somehow the tone control has a very limited range and doesn't seem to do much. Is this as expected @vigilante398? Can this be improved? Here’s the internals: Cap at the top which is on it's side is a 4n7
  7. H

    King Nothing FET bias?

    I'm planning to build the King Nothing the coming weeks. I've seen quite some build reports here and I want to ask which FET the forum members used for their build and if they measured bias or if there was an issue with the bias? Does the FET require specific idss/VP values or does it not...
  8. H

    Sunflower fuzz-very low output

    Only thing I can advise is to use an audio probe (output jack to a 100n cap) to find where in the circuit the issue starts. Connect the output jack of the audio probe to the normal output (cable), connect the input of the pedal and start at the input of the circuit. Follow the schematic and...
  9. H

    What's a buffer, how do they work and why would we want one?

    The cables I used were good, low capacitance, no pedals going into the amp, only guitar into Sentry noise gate and the preamp of the Bogner in the loop on the red channel was enough to trigger the squeal. With the buffer between guitar and Sentry I can max out the amp and not get a squeal. So...
  10. H

    What's a buffer, how do they work and why would we want one?

    Thanks for explaining that Dave, it’s very helpful! I now understand why using a noise gate with the detection loop containing both pedals before the input of the tube amp and the tube amp preamp on high gain including quite some length of cable can work as an antenna as well when used without...
  11. H

    Compulsive/ generated need buying from Das Musikding: was a mistake?

    You’re always entitled to cancel the order. Klaus is quite flexible but does not always provide enough insight into why an order hasn’t been shipped yet. Most of the times it’s lack of stock. Most kits have already been produced by him so these ship within a week.
  12. H

    What's a buffer, how do they work and why would we want one?

    Hey Dave, I have a question about buffers and why they reduce squealing when used in front of a high gain pedal or high gain chain? In my situation I was experimenting with a TC Sentry in the loop of my Bogner XTC 101B using a 4 cable method. This worked well on the clean and blue channel but...
  13. H

    SOLVED Grover drive help

    Did you know that the Dover (Grover) drive is a fuzz face into a Zen drive? I build the previous version which is a cool pedal.
  14. H

    SOLVED Grover drive help

    Great, good luck. Desoldering a mini PCB board is a major pain and you will break the switch probably. I've had more luck cutting it off with some cutting pliers and removing the residu solder joints as quick as possible. Otherwise a new 3PDT is advisable. And shorten the wires to the 3PDT and...
  15. H

    SOLVED Grover drive help

    You don’t need to bridge some pins on the switch when using the 3pdt mini pcb. Without it you do. Did you order via Musikding? Klaus has many orders and sometimes makes little mistakes like a missing component. He will fix the issue but it might take some time.
  16. H

    SOLVED Grover drive help

    Welcome to the forum. 1. It’s obvious that the 3pdt PCB is on the wrong side. Better to use a new 3pdt and wire it manually like in the build doc. 2. The OA1182 will work as well, any germanium with a forward voltage close to 0,3v will work. BAT46 is often used as well in other Zendrive like...
  17. H

    2 Boneyard builds

    I recently finished 2 Boneyard builds created by our mastermind @Chuck D. Bones! Really like both of these builds a lot. Left is another green topped Mojito which is a great modified BJ circuit and inspired by @HamishR made in a nice PCB by @Robert. I’m glad you create and make these because I...
  18. H

    7 green topped builds

    I just finished these 7 green topped builds, mostly with copper knobs. Top 4 from left to right (in the above picture): - Exar OD build using a Musikding Screamer PCB. Designed for side jacks so I used normal pots with wires and some velcro to position the PCB. Overall a nice version of the...
  19. H

    SOLVED God City TTTSNB left side of High (EQ) pot “shorts” out?

    I asked you for your help to validate if my solution was solid because your knowledge is far above my level. :) So I wasn't convinced that the issues were fixed. But it's good to know that there are design issues with this circuit. For now my solution did fix the osscilating issue and with both...