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  1. S

    Proposition JFET J201 biasing

    Thank you so much. I will have to build one and see what I get.
  2. S

    Proposition JFET J201 biasing

    I don't have a Peak. I'm just measuring gate to source with the J201 in circuit. How do you bias the JFET if it's not in circuit?
  3. S

    Proposition JFET J201 biasing

    The -1.0v is from gate to source. The 6.4v is from gate to Gnd. I could swear I was getting -1.0v but now I seem to get 0.15v gate to source. The Vgs is really all over the place almost like it is being affected by a capacitor. Kinda up and down between .15 and 1.0.
  4. S

    Proposition Distortion Low output.

    Thank you so much for the reply! I really appreciate your time (and knowledge). All IC's have approximately 8.5v on every pin except pin 8 (17v) and pin 4 (almost 0v). The only exception is pin 3 on IC1= 6.4v. R101 &R102 are verified 47K J201- "Vgs (off)" How do I achieve this "off" condition...
  5. S

    Proposition JFET J201 biasing

    Thank you so much for the reply. I'm getting about -1.0v on a different J201 but still getting about 6.1v on the gate. Does it matter what the other voltages are? (I may be getting mixed up with standard transistors thinking I need to have 4.5v.
  6. S

    Proposition Distortion Low output.

    Hello and sorry to resurrect an older solved thread but I can't seem to get my Proposition quite right. It works but it doesn't seem to have as much gain as it should. I suspect it's a compressor issue. Here are some readings: Pin 8 of the TL072's are 17v so that should be good. I am getting...
  7. S

    Proposition JFET J201 biasing

    Hello everyone, I just finished building the Proposition Distortion and it functions (passes affected signal and all controls work but it doesn't seem to have the gain I thought it would. I'm thinking its a JFET bias issue (using an old Fairchild J201). I'm getting: Source= 8.6v...
  8. S

    Duck box doesn’t quack

    Did this ever get resolved? I have the exact same issue: LED lights up, true bypass works, it passes signal when on but no changes when knobs are turned. Same voltages on the IC's as well. I can hear a change when the switch is flipped though. Any help would be appreciated.