Duck box doesn’t quack


Well-known member
A38CFF57-58CA-4EAE-A501-244FE21D05AA.jpeg 1664925E-40CA-4045-A354-683AD0ABC69D.jpeg F3271FB5-30AE-4CA2-BDB8-8382B24C37B0.jpeg 1ECBE3A7-9DF6-42B5-BD10-F01B9EF1DEF8.jpeg E21AB9FB-F485-4D93-A4B5-AD0524CF0797.jpeg So I finally had a chance to test this guy out this morning, but I didn’t get any sound :( after opening it up I realized I put IC1 in the socket wrong. The two bottom legs were sticking out of the socket. After fixing that(I put a whole new 4558 in because the legs got bent) I got sound. But not “quack” just a slight boost. Knobs and switch do nothing. LED lights up.

I have not taken a meter to it yet, or reflowed, or cleaned the board(need more ISO) but I’m hoping you guys see something glaringly obvious that I’m missing.

I used a 1n4148 in place of the DS448 as per the build doc.

I’m also not 100% sure how this circuit works, but I’m assuming the problem is somewhere in the yellow circle. Assuming that’s where the quack comes from.
Maybe it's not a duck but a french Canadian goose. Perhaps it's not supposed to quack.
Those fuckers hiss. Nasty things.
Did this ever get resolved? I have the exact same issue:
LED lights up, true bypass works, it passes signal when on but no changes when knobs are turned. Same voltages on the IC's as well. I can hear a change when the switch is flipped though. Any help would be appreciated.
Did this ever get resolved? I have the exact same issue:
LED lights up, true bypass works, it passes signal when on but no changes when knobs are turned. Same voltages on the IC's as well. I can hear a change when the switch is flipped though. Any help would be appreciated.
I would start a new thread and include some pictures. Include your voltages etc.