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  1. jimilee

    J201 work for 2n5485?

    If you check the pin outs that will tell you if it will work. The j201 has a higher gain, so, depending on your layout, you might have to change some values. For example, I used them in a phaser, but I had to increase the resistance going to the trimpot so it would calibrate.
  2. jimilee

    Help! Ross Comp doing some weird stuff with trimpot

    Check over the pedal again, you have a short or a wrong component.
  3. jimilee

    PCB Track Width

    Fun fact, if you contact them early enough, you can email them a fixed file. Don’t ask me how I know.
  4. jimilee

    What's on the workbench?

    I get that. I’ve changed pickups in mine about 3 times already. It was my first Les Paul, it still gets a lot of use, looking at little beat as well.
  5. jimilee

    What's on the workbench?

    Nice, those are very nice.. I got the 2017 Tribute T with all the the relief, surprised it’s not completely hollow in the inside.
  6. jimilee

    What's on the workbench?

    What year?
  7. jimilee

    What's on the workbench?

    Where we’re going, we don’t need build docs.
  8. jimilee

    Proco Rat 2 - Weak volume! - Solved

    Audio probe?
  9. jimilee

    Dark rift noise

    It almost sounds like your pt2399 is motorboating. Have anymore to try?
  10. jimilee

    Is my hakko fx888 heating element ok?

    I could look it up, but how do you do that?
  11. jimilee

    Favorite Rat Mods?

    Basically, you’re not going to hear the difference between an OP07 and an LM308.
  12. jimilee

    Pitch Witch CLR value change?

    Nah, I would lower it to suit your needs. Green LEDs do tend to be dim with higher clr values.
  13. jimilee

    The Week on the Breadboard: The Emperor of Tone

    Double sided etched Baird ftw!
  14. jimilee

    My gf used ChatGPT to prove me I was bad at designing pedals...

    See, I felt the same way.
  15. jimilee

    All Time Most Bestest Favoritest Flanger?

    I beg to differ, phasers are the best effect evar!!!!
  16. jimilee

    Anyone Keep a Log Book of Your Pedals and Pedal Settings?

    Nope. I photograph each one, that’s about it.
  17. jimilee

    All Time Most Bestest Favoritest Chorus You Have Owned , Played or Heard?

    Jenny Greenteeth is labeled as a weird chorus, and it lives up to its name.
  18. jimilee

    Is my hakko fx888 heating element ok?

    Naaa, mine looks like that. It may or may not have done that more than once, it’s still plugging along just fine.