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  1. swelchy

    Green screamer build report

    Finally built a tube screamer… I’ve never actually put one together until now… Threw in a clipping switch between stock ,no diodes and infrared LEDs… had to finish up with a cheapo HF iron I had on hand because my station crapped out..
  2. swelchy

    Glory Hole: "Mourning Glory Overdrive"

    and they are mighty tasty morsels when wrapped with bacon.... It's a tradition around here in september to go Hunt with fam and bring back a bag of them..
  3. swelchy

    Electrovibe No Effect, No Light

    if you have solder braid it might be tempting to try... but you'll never get all three pins hot enough at the same time without specialized equipment.. if you have a 3d printer or a buddy with one I have dual gang pot covers downloadable file to print free on thingiverse...
  4. swelchy

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

    lol..... that's usually how my late night orders show up... giant caps...
  5. swelchy

    Electrovibe No Effect, No Light

    good possibility that you have something grounding out between your pots and the pcb.. I see you just have tape and not covers.... the solder will poke through the tape and cause shorts...
  6. swelchy

    ElectroVibe Modifications Thread

    @Jonathan1986 start a troubleshooting thread over in troubleshooting.... take clear pics.. and clean your board up if it's full of flux... and people will chime in to give you a hand..... it's likely a mistake and nothing to do with the mods.. they are confirmed " Awesome" and I've built...
  7. swelchy

    Sandspur Fuzz build... Titled wrong.." It's Not a

    i actually ordered some of those last week... should have them in a couple weeks..
  8. swelchy

    Sandspur Fuzz build... Titled wrong.." It's Not a

    Thank's Monk.... Your suggestions are pretty good
  9. swelchy

    Sandspur Fuzz build... Titled wrong.." It's Not a

    Totally... I do need to order some lower gain variants and play around ... Trying to keep the old school nostalgia look with T0-18's though... just love the look of older cans versus the jelly beans
  10. swelchy

    Sandspur Fuzz build... Titled wrong.." It's Not a

    lower than 350 hfe.. lol... low low
  11. swelchy

    Sandspur Fuzz build... Titled wrong.." It's Not a

    BC109C’s….. I can report that I’ve built many of these and every one of them sound pretty dang good… just wish I had some lower gain bc108A to try those
  12. swelchy

    ordering SMD questions

    perfect.... i found it right before you replied... by whoops
  13. swelchy

    ordering SMD questions

    Getting ready to populate the tone generator pcb and I've never ordered smd resistors or capacitors and such... build docs are coming i have no idea what package sizes or whatevs to order so i can start populating this thing.. any help would be appreciated....
  14. swelchy

    CDXL Reissue Pots and drill template...

    Also check your printer settings and make sure it's 100% scaling and 8 1/2" x11" and not A4...
  15. swelchy

    Notakliche Build Report

    Not at all…. There seems to be no more difference other than a clipping option… it’s ok but not some epiphany
  16. swelchy

    Notakliche Build Report

    That’s a fine looking build from here….. I suggest you post your own personal build report and don’t hijack mine… Haha just kidding… For real.. be proud and post your own thread. Show your guts and let us razz you a bit… Then later on look up your old build threads to see how far you’ve come...
  17. swelchy

    Tommy III Diodes incorrect

    Diodes are like spices for cooking.. solder in sockets and go experiment!
  18. swelchy

    Electrovibe no sound

    trim pots? have you adjusted them?
  19. swelchy

    Muffin Factory

    Damn that looks great
  20. swelchy

    Seabed Delay/First laser engraved enclosure

    just that I know I'm not having to run it really slow and the laser on max power to do the job... now i'm running 60% power and faster cut time