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  1. Ale_jellybelly

    Carcass fuzz demhe/hali/mode switch to pot

    Interesting... I have a Carcass in a temporary enclosure, I really really like it and an extra pot wouldn't hurt
  2. Ale_jellybelly

    My self build guitar Pedals

    Great builds @TillMack ! Did you have to pay customs to receive the order from Tayda in Europe? I'm from Italy so I'm a bit wary of ordering enclosures from there
  3. Ale_jellybelly

    Moonn Good Vibes

    Good eye! I'll take a look when I get home, I think it might just be bad lightning though as I've already reflowed the board
  4. Ale_jellybelly

    Copper Clad fuzz diode orientation

    It's desoldering time! Edit: actually I managed to test it while still soldered and yeah, the cathode is on the other side. Now it's really desoldering time! :D
  5. Ale_jellybelly

    Copper Clad fuzz diode orientation

    I built a Copper Clad fuzz and I have to say I'm a bit underwhelmed by the sound, not very "fuzzy" I'm thinking maybe I installed the germanium diode in the wrong way: I thought the blue line was the cathode but reading a bit (like here...
  6. Ale_jellybelly

    3 Builds for end of the year

    I'm no expert but looking at the potentiometer "charts" a rev log gets up there sooner and has more control in the upper range so it should work
  7. Ale_jellybelly

    3 Builds for end of the year

    I've looked around a bit and the general consensus seems to be that the trace reporting it as linear is wrong. Fuzzdog on his build documents for his version states: "as the trace has the fuzz pot as linear taper - no way. It needs to be reverse log to be any use at all, so that's what you'll...
  8. Ale_jellybelly

    3 Builds for end of the year

    Thanks! It's strange because there's literally a spot where the gain goes BOOM I wonder if a rev log potentiometer could work better...
  9. Ale_jellybelly

    3 Builds for end of the year

    Just built a Sour Grape and I found that most of the gain is on the last 10% of the Buzz pot. When below, it almost sounds "overdrivey" which is not my experience with big muffs. I used a B100k pot as per schematic (measures 108k), and when in the middle it measures 53/55 so it should work...
  10. Ale_jellybelly

    Moonn Good Vibes

    I built a Moon Good Vibes following the good feedback here, but I found it doesn't "vibe" very much except for the last 25% of the depth knob, and also it starts to make a hissing noise that goes with the vibe. I've already reflowed the board, can't see anything blatantly wrong given the low...
  11. Ale_jellybelly

    Alex's Octave-Up Rabbit Hole

    I think I got it: I'll try it in the next few days and report back
  12. Ale_jellybelly

    SOLVED Walrus Julia (PCBGM Julio) help!

    Some updates on my very old thread: I ended up buying a proper PPCB board, and gutting the old board of EVERYTHING with the help of my trusty Engineer solder sucker (I even managed to recycle 3 out of 4 IC sockets!) I built the PPCB board, the ticking was gone, the sound was great but there was...
  13. Ale_jellybelly

    Alex's Octave-Up Rabbit Hole

    Thanks! If I can use your help, I populated a board from PCBGuitarmania (I know, I'm sorry, the kit was cheaper...) and I'm having a hard time figuring out where I should wire the pot This is the board And this is the schematic: Which side of R6 and R3 should I connect? Q2 is a 2n3906 so I...
  14. Ale_jellybelly

    Alex's Octave-Up Rabbit Hole

    if I was to add a Null pot to my green ringer build, following the schematic you posted, I'd wire it like this right?: lug 1: r7 middle lug: Q2 emitter lug3: c3 noob question but just getting started into modding some circuits and reading schematics 😬
  15. Ale_jellybelly

    Is there a way to look up PCBs by part? I have some ICs I don't know what to do with

    Maybe you can try here
  16. Ale_jellybelly

    Cepheid Chorus - LEDs works and no chorus

    I am not an expert myself having only built less than a dozen pedals but I can see several dodgy solder joints in your board. I'd try reflowing the board, maybe look up a couple of soldering tutorials. make sure there are no shorts and look up the several trouble shooting posts about this pedal...
  17. Ale_jellybelly

    Caesar chorus rate LED

    Wired the rate led and ground on the correct lugs and now it's working perfectly 👍🏻 Definitely a recommended mod for those annoyed by the always-on rate led
  18. Ale_jellybelly

    DEMO LectricFX DC Echo (EHX Ech 600)

    That ring into the loop
  19. Ale_jellybelly

    Caesar chorus rate LED

    Well I just noticed that I soldered ground and cathode to the wrong pads on the switch 🤦🏻 I haven't had time to fix it yet
  20. Ale_jellybelly

    Caesar chorus rate LED

    So basically how I wired it the first time right? Cathode straight to the middle lug of the 3pdt