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  1. D

    Simulcast & 6-Band (Slider) EQ Builds - Gold Series

    Fantastic, thanks! They should add those to the build docs... Very hard to see the faders without some kind of tip, especially with the black faceplate.
  2. D

    Simulcast & 6-Band (Slider) EQ Builds - Gold Series

    Very nice builds! Just wondering where you got those little white tips for the slide pots... I can't seem to find them anywhere. Thanks!
  3. D

    SOLVED 6-Band EQ (slider) - Potentiometer issue

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions. As always, I find these troubleshooting experiences (and discussions) very educational. Just a final update... After trying everything mentioned here with no luck, I decided to remove all the faders, desoldered all the contacts on the PCB, sprayed contact...
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    SOLVED 6-Band EQ (slider) - Potentiometer issue

    Thanks for the suggestions. No I did’t put it back together. I only noticed the effects on the PCB with the faders as measured using my DMM (weird resistance values unless I torque it a bit). Guess I have some more exploring to do…
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    SOLVED 6-Band EQ (slider) - Potentiometer issue

    Yes I swapped the parts and it didn't help... Maybe it's a batch of faulty parts combined with some kind of physical interaction with the PCB? The faders seem to work fine when removed from the board. I tried spraying contact cleaner and it didn't help, unfortunately.
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    SOLVED 6-Band EQ (slider) - Potentiometer issue

    With the pots removed (I only removed the first and sixth pot in order to test and swap them), it reads 0 through 50k. But when they are installed, they go from 0 to 15k at the middle, and then back down to 10k at the other end. It's odd (to me), but I figure that has to do with how they are all...
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    SOLVED 6-Band EQ (slider) - Potentiometer issue

    The problem appears to be on the slider board itself (when not attached to the main PCB with the components)... The measured resistance is very different (ranging from ~10k to ~60k) unless I torque the pot a bit, in which case it reads the same values as the others (oddly, ranging from 0 to 15k...
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    SOLVED 6-Band EQ (slider) - Potentiometer issue

    I tested between each of the top 6 pins (which connect separately to pin 2 on each pot) and one of the bottom pins.
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    SOLVED 6-Band EQ (slider) - Potentiometer issue

    There are no additional components on this PCB... only the six pots. All the components are on the main board connected to this one via 9 header pins.
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    SOLVED 6-Band EQ (slider) - Potentiometer issue

    I've encountered a very frustrating issue with the leftmost (100 Hz) slider pot and I've completely run out of ideas. After assembling everything and soldering the potentiometer and main boards together, I noticed that the leftmost pot was not boosting the low frequencies as expected when above...
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    SOLVED 6-Band EQ - Solder pad completely removed

    7-minute reply… what a hero!! Thanks very much.
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    SOLVED 6-Band EQ - Solder pad completely removed

    After trying unsuccessfully to troubleshoot an issue with my 6-Band EQ build, I decided I had no choice but to separate the two boards that were soldered together with three sets of pin-headers. This proved challenging, so I cut the pins physically and then desoldered the remains... While doing...
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    SOLVED SpiritBox noise/hiss

    Thanks everyone. Just following up for anyone having the same issue... I tried replacing the PT2399 and the power adapter with no change. After carefully testing various parts of the circuit again with the signal probe, I'm pretty confident in the end that it's the Belton brick generating the...
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    SOLVED SpiritBox noise/hiss

    Nice tip about removing the remaining solder flux (I'll remember that for future builds). Unfortunately, after carefully removing the excess flux and inspecting/verifying all the solder joints, there's no change.
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    SOLVED SpiritBox noise/hiss

    I just finished a SpiritBox and the reverb effect is working (with the pots behaving as expected), but I'm getting a very noticeable hissing noise when the Depth knob is turned up. With Depth all the way down, I get a clean (no reverb) and loud guitar tone with no hiss at all. Also no hiss at...
  16. D

    Spirit box noise.

    Reviving this thread... I just completed a Spirit Box and I'm getting the same hissing noise. I checked all wiring and solder joints carefully, reflowed all the solder joints and replaced the PT2399 and two TL072s with no change. Just curious if you ever solved your issue @JohnnyPunk and...