SOLVED 6-Band EQ - Solder pad completely removed


New member
After trying unsuccessfully to troubleshoot an issue with my 6-Band EQ build, I decided I had no choice but to separate the two boards that were soldered together with three sets of pin-headers. This proved challenging, so I cut the pins physically and then desoldered the remains... While doing this (not nearly carefully enough, like an idiot), one of the solder pads completely came off leaving no connection to the trace at all. I have seen instructions online on how to repair damaged pads using copper tape and solder, but that seems to require at least some partial remaining pad to connect to which isn't the case here.

Two ideas that come to mind are:

1) to try to carefully expose the lead wire, and then use copper tape + solder to make a new connection... Any pointers on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!

2) to wire the pin header on the slider PCB directly to the component it attaches to on the main board, but I can't seem to figure that out from the schematic because I don't know which pot (or which pin on that pot) that pad connects to (and the traces are not visible because of the soldered components). I'm hoping someone more familiar with the layout of this circuit can help out...

So at this point I'm stuck not being able to move forward with either of these options. Any suggestions on how to proceed would be much appreciated!

tempImageXjooIO.png Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 1.14.20 PM.png Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 1.19.35 PM.png