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  1. Coda

    MBP Current lover 2024

    Nice. I got tired of waiting and picked up a used E-Lady. The next week my Current Lover shipped. I’m waiting on the build until I feel the urge. I’m still on the fence with flanger…
  2. Coda

    Collateral FX Motherfckr (Big Muff)

    Nice enclosure…*throws all pedals I’ve build with crap enclosures into the sun*
  3. Coda

    Zeugma (Zonk Machine MKI)

    OG Canadian Psych…
  4. Coda

    Zeugma (Zonk Machine MKI)

    Excellent. Time to learn some riffs by The Plastic Clouds…
  5. Coda

    PPCB Kewpie Fuzz

    So I’ve been really stoned: the Kewpie is an OpAmp Miff with transistors instead of two dual opamps?…
  6. Coda

    Sunflower / Sunface squealing at max gain

    It acts as a filter; filtering out the unwanted frequencies (the squeals). It’s not in schematics because it’s not part of the circuit. Squeals, however, are. You could go through 10 Fuzz Faces, and maybe 3 would sound decent. Add that 33p cap, and all 10 would rock, most likely. The Fuzz Face...
  7. Coda

    Sunflower / Sunface squealing at max gain

    33p from c to b of q2 solves most Fuzz Face issues…
  8. Coda

    Wondering if using flux on our usual pcbs (Aion's, Lectric FX, PPCB, etc.) is really necessary ?

    I’m still using the plastic jar I got at Radio Shack 25 years ago. It’s more than half-full. Of course, I was taught to only use it to clean the tip…
  9. Coda

    Muff Party!

    Muff Party? More like Sausage Fest…
  10. Coda

    Which Octavia?…

    Which one is the one, ya know? I mean which one brings the thunder/the boys to the yard/to the highway to the danger zone, ya know?… So it seems there are a few different versions: you have the OG with a transformer and transistors (ferrite/Ge), then you have one that is the same except it’s...
  11. Coda

    DEMO [perf/wood] 🔺Big Muff - V1 perfboard spec

    My wood from this build has yet to diminish...I am starting to get sore...still worth it, though...
  12. Coda

    DEMO [perf/wood] 🔺Big Muff - V1 perfboard spec

    Genuinely ejaculatory. Well done indeed…
  13. Coda

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

  14. Coda

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

    I believe either side will work since they both are ground points. Where do you have the white wire from the battery connected? Also, double-check that the white wire from the lower-right gnd lug connects to the case of the attack pot… Check this out…...
  15. Coda

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

    I think that’s where the -9v was originally attached before the OP reattached it. The FZ-1a has an off switch built in to the volume control. OP, check out the lower right-hand corner of that board; it looks like that transistor casing could be touching something…
  16. Coda

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

    I want you to know that I want you to get this thing working. The FZ-1a is like my dream pedal. You are a lucky sun of a bytch, and I will do what I can to help. And if I can’t, maybe @Chuck D. Bones can help. He’s a good kid…
  17. Coda

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

    I wouldn’t go there yet. Double check that you have 1.5v from the battery. Visually check all values with the schematic…
  18. Coda

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

    Ok. Those do seem off. Usually it’s around .5/1/.7…
  19. Coda

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

    Are those the readings on the emitter?…
  20. Coda

    SOLVED 1966 Maestro Fuzz-Tone

    Can you check the transistor voltages?…