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  1. R

    Diode substitutions.

    What are the sound differences between different clipping diodes. I am moving on to a Distortion 250 build and I am out of 1n270 diodes but have a good supply of 1n4148 diodes. Anyone ever made this substitution before?
  2. R

    Triangulum poop?

    Just finished my first Triangulum boost. Very noisey pedal and VERY ice picky. It also likes to cut out and go microphonic at high setting of the level knob. I have reflowed all solder joints and double checked all connections to no end. Either I got a bad component or this thing is just not...
  3. R

    Audio vs linear.

    What would the difference in sweep be if I used a 5k linear instead of audio taper on a Triangulum boost? The right angle pcb terminal is all but impossible to find in audio taper. StewMac sells the linear taper all day long.
  4. R

    Triangulum boost

    Anyone know how long the Triangulum boost has been out of stock? Or an ETA of when it will be back?
  5. R

    Pcb question.

    What is the lead spacing on the pcb's? Specifically the Triangulum boost. I have heard some say 2.5mm and some 5mm.