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  1. S

    JRC4558 Substitutions

    I did not. I didn't even think about doing that. I mostly just stick with pcb's from pedal pcb. I know I can trust them. I'm at a point in this hobby where I don't even know what I dont know! That's why I appreciate you all helping me out so much!
  2. S

    JRC4558 Substitutions

    I did try, but I guess I just lack a solid base of knowledge to understand what I was looking at or if that particular part/brand was an absolutely necessary part for the sound of the pedal. Thank you for your help!
  3. S

    JRC4558 Substitutions

    Ahh. Thank you!
  4. S

    JRC4558 Substitutions

    So, in the future, how can I know that it is ok to substitute and what to substitute for? Is there a resource for this kind of stuff?
  5. S

    JRC4558 Substitutions

    I'm sorry for the dumb question. I'm still pretty new to building pedals and electronics in general. So, the actual op amp is the 4558d? And the jrc is like a brand?
  6. S

    JRC4558 Substitutions

    You are right. I'm mistaken. I'm also sourcing parts for a Hyped Fuzz. I just made a list of all the parts and got careless. I'll see if I can edit this post. If not, I'll delete it.
  7. S

    JRC4558 Substitutions

    Hey everyone. I'm sourcing parts for a Hyped Fuzz build and am having a little trouble finding a JRC4558 dual op amp IC. Is this an absolutely necessary part or could something be subbed in for it? Thanks in advance. Edited: originally had the pedal listed as a gerkin. It's actually the...
  8. S

    SOLVED Muzzle Not working

    Is that a brand name product? I've seen people say alcohol. Is there a particular type to use?
  9. S

    SOLVED Muzzle Not working

    Wow. Yeah. I definitely had/have those wired up wrong. I'll change it up and hopefully it'll work. I cannot thank you all enough. You folks are the best. Hopefully, I can repay the favors!
  10. S

    SOLVED Muzzle Not working

    So it's to the tip and NoT the switched tip? Is that the same for the key jacks? Also, I've seen stuff about cleaning the board, but wasn't sure I'd thay was just aesthtics or necessary.
  11. S

    SOLVED Muzzle Not working

    . Which ones should I have it connected to? I had them all wired the same. The jack was oriented so the flat part was up and to the right. Then I had the ground wire to that jack and then another to thr jack that would have been on the top or the switched tip per this diagram.
  12. S

    SOLVED Muzzle Not working

    I must have missed this earlier. There is no sound at all. It does not matter if thr pedal is on or bypassed.
  13. S

    SOLVED Muzzle Not working

    I did/do have them, but I had to take them out to remove the board from the enclosure to take pictures and begin trouble shooting. I did have to cut one of the unused terminals off of the jacks to make it fit (hope that wasnt an error). To keep it from contacting the ic. It was a tight fit to...
  14. S

    SOLVED Muzzle Not working

    I hope these are clear enough. Best I could get before work this morning. I got lucky on my first pedal and didn't have too many issues. I just don't have enough experience or knowledge to k ow where to begin troubleshooting circuits. Thank you for your consideration!
  15. S

    SOLVED Muzzle Not working

    Hey everyone. So I finally finished up my muzzle build's not working! Big surprise, huh?! Lol So, the problem is that there is no audio. The led comes on red, but stays red. It goes off when turning the pedal off. That's about all I got. What should my next move be in terms of...
  16. S

    Gherkin Fuzz IC sub

    Thank you! That makes it pretty straight forward.
  17. S

    Gherkin Fuzz IC sub

    I think I am going to. I've seen a bunch of people running them on their boards. I think I looked for thr IC on mouser but it was unavailable.
  18. S

    Gherkin Fuzz IC sub

    Thank you! I'm still pretty new, so I don't really know enough to understand how to substitute stuff without being told exactly how to do it! Thank you again!