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    Uber Fuzz Whooshing

    I recently built an uberfuzz and have it cutting in and out. The diodes on my board are printed as going the same way, also I have used 2N5088 transistors swapping the collector and base to fit the 2sc pin out. I’ve checked both pots in circuit, one is getting a consistent resistance reading...
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    Uberfuzz whooshing and in and out

    I recently built an uberfuzz and have it cutting in and out. The diodes on my board are printed as going the same way, also I have used 2N5088 transistors swapping the collector and base to fit the 2sc pin out. I’ve checked both pots in circuit, one is getting a consistent resistance reading...
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    Uber fuzz low volume

    Both pads say they should be in the same direction
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    Uber fuzz low volume

    I know what the schematic says, checked with a multimeter as well it seems that the orientation is the same and each diode is grounded in a different spot. It’s just confusing because the parts layout in the building documents has them going a different way than what’s printed on the pcb. I’ll...
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    Uber fuzz low volume

    My Uber fuzz build has low volume and I’ve been trying to fix this for a while. The fuzz works the output is just very low. Also I noticed that on my board, the clipping diodes have the same orientation rather than having opposite orientation on the board. I’m not sure if this is a printing...
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    Tone Vendor MK1 charge pump issues

    I’m using the recommended TC1044scpa
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    Tone Vendor MK1 charge pump issues

    Hi, I’ve been having a steady high frequency every time I turn on the pedal. I think it’s the charge pump because I breadboarded the circuit and did not have issues. I’m trying to figure out if I can somehow either bypass the charge pump or find one that won’t have this high frequency. Any...