5lb Bag of Gold Fuzz (Lovepedal 200lbs of Gold - Fuzz side)

So let me get this straight, the 100n that should be omitted from the 5lb bag schematic is C3, C4 or BOTH?
No, the 5lb schematic is good. It does NOT have the input cap that is on the Grover, so nothing to omit. It ADDS an additional 100n cap to ground in the clipping circuit that is NOT in the Grover, which I think fattens it up slightly.

It's the Grover that needs to have C2 omitted.
And if you want to add the 100nf cap that's in the 5lb you can solder it to underside of the Grover board to R4. (picture courtesy of @music6000)

Grover - 5lbBag Mod.jpg

Was surfin' this thread with the phone previously, finally got home on my 'puter to have a proper butchers at the schematics and compare them back to back.

There is so little changed between the two that it's almost criminal to market them as two different pedals; pretty much morally reprehensible... oh wait, right, Lovepedal... Nevermind.

So yeah, I've got the Grover and will just build it as a 5lb Bag since that seems more up my alley;
When I breadboard it, if I like the Grover as well, maybe put the Bag's C3 on a switch.
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