Absolute newbie question



I arrived here via a Doug Hanson post on Youtube and am interested in building the Octagon MultiFX. Am I correct in assuming that PedalPCB provide the board only and I would need to source the components elsewhere? I've a couple of BYOC kits under my belt, so let me know if I'm getting way out of my depth overher
You'll get the PCB and pre-programmed EEPROM.

You can also (optionally) add the FV-1 IC and have it pre-soldered if you aren't comfortable with SMD soldering. If you've never done it before, I'd recommend having it pre-soldered.

You might also want to get the L78L33 regulator, 32.768khz crystal, and 1P8T rotary switch.
I wouldn't say it's that difficult of a build, all the pcb's here are well layed out and having the values labeled on the pcb makes it real easy. However, it may not be a bad idea to try out a simpler one first, just because the octagon will have the more expensive FV-1 IC soldered on the board, so if you make a mistake and can't salvage the board, it'll be more of a bummer. That said, the octagon is pretty straightforward with no finicky components like germanium, jfets, trimmers, etc.

For parts that aren't sold on here, it seems like the most popular places to source are Tayda and SmallBear.

Also check out the option to build the Arachnid (same pcb as the Octagon) and create your own set of programs via the EEPROM Builder. Costs a bit more but it's more custom.

One more thing... I always use sockets for any ICs because they're cheap and it has numerous benefits. But it's especially useful with the Octagon EEPROM chip because you could swap it for another EEPROM chip with different patches later.