AION Beta Lead / Bass driving a power amp


Well-known member
From the AION Beta Lead / Bass docs

"The Beta Preamp is a single-channel adaptation of the original amplifier. It can be built in either Bass or Lead configurations by swapping out a few components. While it can be used as a drive pedal, it works best as a true preamp driving a power amp directly."

I am not sure how to take this, concidering my situation, where I don't use cabinets. I use powered bookshelf speakers or studio monitors, depending on what I want to achieve. Would this pedal benefit from adding, for instance, the power amp module that PedalPCB sells (or a lower wattage variation)? I take the description above as that the pedal sounds "better" with a power amp after it. Or a boost (I read on the board that its volume is weak when there's no gain dialed in). Maybe I am better off adding an effects loop to it then (kinda where the reverb sits in the original) so it really can sit at the very end of the chain....?
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