Thanks a lot....I like that the only cerulean colour in the build is hidden inside — a bold move sure to leave a few people scratching their heads in wonder at the name with nary a skiff of namesake in sight.
Really fantastic artwork on the pedal, extra points for extending the design down the sides, too.
Thanks for your kind words. I socket the diodes to change them quickly.Fantastic build! You are champion of the craft sir! You have your own unique style for sure. How you mount your diodes are a little different but I dig it.
Hi Michael,Hey @Manuel Ammon I just also built the Cerulean and have a question for you. (I'm very new to the DIY pedal world).
In the Hard clip Position II mode (toggle switch down) I'm getting weird drop outs with the signal. Like I'll play a note, and the note is normal, but then attenuates quickly. I originally thought it might be a bad diode so I swapped out D8 through D13. (I actually socketed these to try some different diodes.I have some 1S1588's in there right now) But still getting the effect. Now I'm wondering if maybe I have a bad toggle switch or whether this is an intended effect of the hard clipping mode. This only happens with single notes and more noticeable in the upper registers. I admittedly know very little about the Bluesbreaker in general and what it's supposed to sound like. (I've also built a Paragon documented in a different thread here). Also, gorgeous artwork! I can't even wrap my brain around how some of you guys are doing enclosure art!
Thanks for your kind words. I do all my designs by myself and I am not a professional designer. I use transparent, self-adhesive stickers printed on a Canon TS 8150 inkjet printer. Very simply. In this case black printed on a sparkle gold enclosures.Gorgeous art deco design. One of my favorite pedal designs I've seen yet, DIY or professional. How did you do the art? UV printing?
Gorgeous art deco design. One of my favorite pedal designs I've seen yet, DIY or professional. How did you do the art? UV printing?
Thanks ChuckBeautiful inside & out.