Aion Hydra (Naga Viper)


Well-known member
I've been meaning to try this one out for a while now and I absolutely love how it sounds and how versatile it is!
Wiring ended up a bit messy because I didn't pay enough attention while soldering the footswitch and I did it on the wrong side of the board, so I had to cross the wires from the opposite sides, NBD though. It was also the first time I tried a colored decal. I'm quite pleased with the build overall.

I used an NOS JAN2N2222 transistor by Motorola. I believe hFE was around 125. Sounds really good! I'll try to post a sound clip when I have some free time.

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Nice work, inside & out. I wonder why Aion made the board so big.

Thanks, Chuck! I was wondering the same thing, and I think it's just because it's easier to mount all 3 pots directly on the board? But yeah, I was really surprised to see such a big board for such a tiny circuit.
Thank you!

I didn't know about the Serpent Boost, but after a quick scan of the build docs, I'm pretty sure it's also the Naga Viper. Have you built that one?
It is indeed. I have the board but I haven't populated it yet. They both call for the same components except for the Hydra's 100uF power supply filter cap.