Arche boost in Fordoble - Reduce presence/brightness and which germanium diodes?


Well-known member
I just build a Fordoble boost and overdrive and the Arche boost side is too bright IMO.
I discussed this with @HamishR and he suggested using a 2n2 cap in parallel across the 51k which is just before the output which he also mentioned in a forum thread.
I tried some higher cap values and IMO it’s not really reducing the brightness so I‘m considering other options to reduce some of the brightness.
I consider trying out a simple low pass filter or a cap across the clipping diodes in the feedback loop of the opamp. What suggestion can you guys make? Schematic is here:

The Fordoble introduces a switch that alternates between the normal 3.6v Zener diodes and a germanium pair. Robert mentioned the values of the germanium being:
0.361 FV / 2.1uA Leakage
0.353 FV / 5.7uA Leakage

I used a 1n270 and 1n34a germanium being somewhat in that range but I don’t like the sound as mentioned by someone else on the forum. Anyone used other options that are interesting to try out?
What is your favorite way to control and/or reduce brightness in a pedal design?
Note that the Arche boost of the Fordoble is followed by the drive side so it can be a too drastic reduction.