Bass Compressors?


New member
Just some quick suggestions..

Having more bass specific options would be amazing..

Diamond Bass Comp
Walrus Mira Compressor
Keeley Bassist
Origin Cali76
Upvote 2
There's already a few places that offer PCBs for the Diamond Bass Comp (same as Guitar comp, just change a few values).

So I'd like to see the Empress Bass Comp, a big-box Cali, or the tube-based Effectrode.
There's already a few places that offer PCBs for the Diamond Bass Comp (same as Guitar comp, just change a few values).

So I'd like to see the Empress Bass Comp, a big-box Cali, or the tube-based Effectrode.
Is the empress the one with the gain reduction/boost visual?
If by "visual" you mean a row of LEDs that indicate what's going on with the signal, then yes.

The older Empress was bitchin' too.
