'best practice' 3pdt order switch grounding?


New member
definitely not an expert here and i'm planning to do wire up a dual pedal with order switch.
anybody's 2cents about whether there is an ideal grounding setup for dual/switched pedals to prevent a ground loop?
thought i'd ask before embarking on a lot of trial-and-error

it's not clear from the switch diagram, but it seems like this (attached) would work with the minimum length of wire..
magenta = bridge between in/out grounds on each board, to I/O jacks
green (chartreuse?) = bridge between I/O jacks

will this work? is the green wire necessary (or worse, does it INTRODUCE a loop...)? thanks, y'all
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Eso no es necesario amigo si conectas un Jack con la entrada metálica ... ya que al instalar la golilla este hace contacto con la caja de aluminio y la masa la hace la caja ... basta que conectes el otro Jack y haces continuidad a masa .... para evitar tanto cable ... pero no te funciona con los Jack que tienen la entrada de plástico ... Ahí si que tendrías que cablear independiente .... saludos
Bumping this because I am in the same boat. Help! I still didn't understand Ariel's response after translation.

i think Ariel's response was that the green wire isn't needed as long as the enclosure&jacks are metal (since the grounds of the jacks are connected via the chassis). i haven't wired one of these up yet to test anything though...swamped at work.

also: https://forum.pedalpcb.com/threads/combining-two-effects-in-one-enclosure.282/ is helpful in that there's (apparently) no need to include a jumper between the two ground pads of each board. the bottom pic on that page worked for someone that just connects the nearest pcb ground to the nearest jack ground.
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