Bohemia - small schematic error?


Hi all!

I put the Galileo on a breadboard to see if I like it (turns out I really do). So I compared the different schematics on the interwebs, the ones I've found anyway.

I think it was traced first on FSB by juansolo: Link
Then there's the PPCB Bohemia schematic: PDF
And the Aionfx Gaia Mk. II: PDF

Both PPCB and Aion have a 1u cap after the output buffer, juansolo has a 2u2 there. I tried both, doesn't seem to make a difference. So 1u seems enough.

But PPCB has a 10n cap to ground in front of the volume pot, where juansolo and Aion have a 1n cap instead. I tried both on the breadboard and 10n seems to take away too much treble, the pedal feels more jangly with the 1n. Is it possible that 10n is a mistake? In the pedal's manual the tone knob is described as a pure treble control anyway. So you can take away treble as you like anyway using the knob.

By the way, what initially put me off a little bit was that I seemed to have a different treble drop when I switched off my (true-bypass) delay that's following the Galileo. So basically the Galieo going directly into the amp's input had a tad less treble compared to when the delay was inbetween the Galileo and the amp. So I started wondering if maybe this could be thanks to the 250k pot at the output.

Then I found a post from Chuck regarding the PPCB Covert (link). The covert is pretty similar to the Bohemia at the output. Chuck wrote that he used a 50k pot in his Covert. So I tried a 50k and that fixed my treble loss, too. So some output impedance issue I reckon due to 250k pot.

So I guess I'll go with a 1n cap to ground followed by a 50k pot. I think buying a 8€ (can't even remember the price, really) breadboard has been my best purchase in recent years. Trying stuff out on it before boxing something up is really worth the extra effort ;-)
This is an older project and wasn't my trace so I can't say definitively, but it looks like that capacitor was 10nF in the older Galileo MKI.

It certainly could have been a mistake, but I have to wonder if this wasn't something carried over from the previous version at some point.
Hi Robert,

I see what you mean. But I also see the 1n cap in the photo juansolo posted here. Next to volume pot, it's standing up. It says 102K, so 1n. There's no other 1n in the project. Next to it is the gold cap with 2u2 from after the output buffer, where Aion & PPCB show 1u.

Kind regards,
Right, I'm not suggesting that juansolo's schematic is incorrect, just pointing out that it's possible that capacitor could have been 10nF in some revision of the pedal.

This is the schematic I'm referring to. This is MKI and there are several other differences, but the capacitor in question coincidentally happens to be 10nF.


Of course this doesn't completely rule out a typo/error.