Bring out yer Diptrace

Here's an AIO layout for ROG's Thunderbird (Marshall Super Lead 100 inspired circuit) . This circuit was off my radar until I read @Chuck D. Bones's build report. 1776 used to offer a board for this one, but they're now closed and it seems nobody else is offering boards for this one currently. I have another layout without the built-in bypass, but including it on this one dramatically simplifies wiring and allows me to better isolate the high impedance input line compared to having the I/O connections at the bottom. A red board seemed fitting for this project, but that may change by the time it's ordered. According to a couple sources, this circuit has a tendency to be noisy, hopefully I've taken sufficient steps in the design to avoid some of that 🤞.

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As always, this looks really cool. Couple questions—is that a CMOS-based relay bypass? And are you planning on using a Cliff EMI washer on both jacks?