Chuck D. Bones
Circuit Wizard
If you want to maximize gain, then bypass the source resistor. I usually pick a drain resistor and then dial-in the source resistor to get the desired drain voltage. For maximum headroom, the drain voltage should be 1/2-way between the source voltage & Vcc. It's counter-intuitive, but for a given Vcc, FETs will produce more gain with lower drain current. There are diminishing returns so I wouldn't run the drain current much below 100μA.
Here's what I did with Sandy's example circuit. The clipping diodes are Germanium. At low FUZZ levels, the clipping is symmetric with just a few odd-order harmonics. At higher FUZZ levels, the clipping becomes increasingly asymmetric because Q1 drives the diodes asymmetrically. Q2 runs clean with LEVEL below noon. At higher LEVEL settings, Q2 adds some even-order harmonics. If you want Q2 to run dirty all of the time, then swap VR3 & R9. Any JFET will work, just tweak the source resistor. As usual, all component values are negotiable.
Here's what I did with Sandy's example circuit. The clipping diodes are Germanium. At low FUZZ levels, the clipping is symmetric with just a few odd-order harmonics. At higher FUZZ levels, the clipping becomes increasingly asymmetric because Q1 drives the diodes asymmetrically. Q2 runs clean with LEVEL below noon. At higher LEVEL settings, Q2 adds some even-order harmonics. If you want Q2 to run dirty all of the time, then swap VR3 & R9. Any JFET will work, just tweak the source resistor. As usual, all component values are negotiable.

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