Breadboard Baker
I decided to whip out a TL074 and build something with it. The 074 uses 4 opamps in a single chip. The plus side of this is you only have to power the chip once rather than using 2 separate TL072 or 4558s. This isn't really a new circuit or anything, but rather 2 circuits in one using the same IC. I chose the Mini-Muffin Fuzz and Cold Turkey EQ circuits. The Mini Muffin really needs a tone stack or tone control so I decided to try this one out. For both circuits I took out the volume pots since I'm merely testing the circuits.
My opinion is that this concoction is ok, not great. The fuzz portion is relatively bland and needs a fuzz control on it for both an increase and decrease, but the EQ helps color the sound more to my liking. I did add a 1m pot in lieu of R3 to make it louder, but it did not help much. When I max out the TREBLE pot I get some unwanted hiss, so I'm not sure If that's due to my breadboard, the IC used, or the circuit iself. @Chuck D. Bones helped me with the analysis of the EQ stage since I noticed that changing the MIDS pot kinda took over the other two settings in addition to trying to figure out why the schematic is drawn the way it is. His suggestion was to put the MIDS control in it's own separate opamp stage to make it truly independent of the other controls. Thanks for the tip, Chuck!
Again, not an original design by any means but I will call this one the Turkey Muffin.
My opinion is that this concoction is ok, not great. The fuzz portion is relatively bland and needs a fuzz control on it for both an increase and decrease, but the EQ helps color the sound more to my liking. I did add a 1m pot in lieu of R3 to make it louder, but it did not help much. When I max out the TREBLE pot I get some unwanted hiss, so I'm not sure If that's due to my breadboard, the IC used, or the circuit iself. @Chuck D. Bones helped me with the analysis of the EQ stage since I noticed that changing the MIDS pot kinda took over the other two settings in addition to trying to figure out why the schematic is drawn the way it is. His suggestion was to put the MIDS control in it's own separate opamp stage to make it truly independent of the other controls. Thanks for the tip, Chuck!
Again, not an original design by any means but I will call this one the Turkey Muffin.